Set ip address as
write a script to replace the 30 with 40 ?

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Set ip address as write a script to replace the 30 with 40 ?..

Answer / s.gun

% set ip
% regsub -all {30} $ip {40} ip
% puts $ip

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Set ip address as write a script to replace the 30 with 40 ?..

Answer / indu sharma

In above answer if you have IP like then it replace for all 30 with 40.But here i guess intention is just to replace one octet with 40.So following solves that issue:

set a
set b [ string replace $a 3 4 40 ]
puts $b

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Set ip address as write a script to replace the 30 with 40 ?..

Answer / satyanarayana

here you can do this in multiple ways

1.regsub 30 $data 40 a
puts $a

this will give you the replaced string

2.string replace $data 3 4 40

this also will give you the replaced value

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Set ip address as write a script to replace the 30 with 40 ?..

Answer / srinubalsu

set ip
puts [join [lreplace [split $ip .] 1 1 40] .]

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Set ip address as write a script to replace the 30 with 40 ?..

Answer / anil

set a ""
regsub "30" $a "40" a

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Set ip address as write a script to replace the 30 with 40 ?..

Answer / siddalingesha

set i ""
set n [split $i "."]
set k [lreplace $n 1 1 40]
set s [join $k "."]
puts "$s"

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Set ip address as write a script to replace the 30 with 40 ?..

Answer / guest

set ip ""
regsub -all {m\30\M} $ip 40 ip_new
puts $ip_new

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Set ip address as write a script to replace the 30 with 40 ?..

Answer / amarnath

set ip
set a [split $ip .]
puts $a
set oct1 [lindex $a 0]
set oct2 [lindex $a 1]
set oct3 [lindex $a 2]
set oct4 [lindex $a 3]
#set oct3 50
set ip [join "$oct1 $oct2 $oct4 $oct3" "."]
puts $ip

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Set ip address as write a script to replace the 30 with 40 ?..

Answer / sat

Set ip
split ip using split .
from the resultant list, use lreplace command to replace
element 30 with 20.

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