void main()
int x=4,y=3,z;
z=x-- -y;

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WHAT WILL BE THE OUTPUT OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTION void main() { int x=4,y=3,z; z=x-- -y; printf..

Answer / sampath alagappan


Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 0 No

WHAT WILL BE THE OUTPUT OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTION void main() { int x=4,y=3,z; z=x-- -y; printf..

Answer / manikanta


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WHAT WILL BE THE OUTPUT OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTION void main() { int x=4,y=3,z; z=x-- -y; printf..

Answer / arunkumar

it will be 3,3,1
no doubt it is the correcct one..
if anybody have a doubt compile and execute it with turbo c.

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WHAT WILL BE THE OUTPUT OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTION void main() { int x=4,y=3,z; z=x-- -y; printf..

Answer / monika thakur


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WHAT WILL BE THE OUTPUT OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTION void main() { int x=4,y=3,z; z=x-- -y; printf..

Answer / jasmeet singh

hey i typed the output of x=4 but its 3. coz after the
decrement now its value is 3.

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WHAT WILL BE THE OUTPUT OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTION void main() { int x=4,y=3,z; z=x-- -y; printf..

Answer / ramya b.m

The output will be 3 3 1. initially the value of x is 4 and
subtracting it with value of y which is 3 the difference is
1. while printing the value of x is decremented by 1 and
hence the output 3 3 1.

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WHAT WILL BE THE OUTPUT OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTION void main() { int x=4,y=3,z; z=x-- -y; printf..

Answer / venkat

The output will be 331
this is so because while assigning x -y is assinged to z..
so z=4-3=1
then the value of x will be decremented { post decrement }
now the value of x will be 4-1 = 3
so while printing
x = 3
y = 3{no change}
z= 1

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WHAT WILL BE THE OUTPUT OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTION void main() { int x=4,y=3,z; z=x-- -y; printf..

Answer / tommy tom


x = 4-- = 3
y = 3
z = 1

then, when printing, there are no spaces in the "%d%d%d" format string, thus there are no spaces in the printing of the numbers. Also, at the end of the run, the command prompt will be tacked onto the end of the output, as the format string contains no newlines, line returns, or other reasons to assume a nice printing.

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WHAT WILL BE THE OUTPUT OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTION void main() { int x=4,y=3,z; z=x-- -y; printf..

Answer / guru1985

void main()
int x=4,y=3,z;
z=x-- -y;

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WHAT WILL BE THE OUTPUT OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTION void main() { int x=4,y=3,z; z=x-- -y; printf..

Answer / geetha.s.b


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