If TDQs are selfdestructive then why they are used?
Why TSQs are preferred over TDQs?

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If TDQs are selfdestructive then why they are used? AND Why TSQs are preferred over TDQs? ..

Answer / rajesh reddy

TDQ's are used for automatic task intitation.

where as TSQ are for temporary usage as soon as task is
completed the momory space is fred up and used by other

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If TDQs are selfdestructive then why they are used? AND Why TSQs are preferred over TDQs? ..

Answer / rajesh dutta

TDQ are mainly used for Automatic task initiation where a
transaction is intiatiated once a trigger level is
reached.Trigger level is the max no of item TDQ can hold at
time after which transaction starts and once all the items
are read ,automatically deleted.And again Until the trigger
level is reached the transaction does not starts and this
process continues. Mainly used for request processing.

Correct me if I am Wrong...

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If TDQs are selfdestructive then why they are used? AND Why TSQs are preferred over TDQs? ..

Answer / mary antony

TSQ are preferred over TDQ for data passing.TDQ is used for
batch interface or on ATI requirement

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If TDQs are selfdestructive then why they are used? AND Why TSQs are preferred over TDQs? ..

Answer / tarun

TSQ are preferred over TSQ becuase for TDQ's we not to make
an entry in the DCT table or in other words we need to creat
a DCT for that where as for TSQ there is no such thing.

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If TDQs are selfdestructive then why they are used? AND Why TSQs are preferred over TDQs? ..

Answer / lu

No TD is not selfdestructive, u have to delete it....
2) TS is preferreed because :
a) TS read randomly by ITEM..TD sequential....
b) If you don't use Intrapartion or extra partion...it's
better TS....
In your program when you want to write TD or TS, first of
all, when EIBCALEN = 0 you delete TS, TD and send

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