Industrial Management Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

what is logistics?list about logistics works!

8 21605

What is logistics?list about what is work of logistics suprevisor?

Rice Research Institute,

2 5950

what is the main cause of recession in present time?

1 4830

what does OEM mean & Who is an OEM, explain with detailed examples


7 31063

what is the deferred revenue?


why u have not worked anywhere for 3 years

Aster Teleservices,


why are u changing so frequently


1 3406

Do any body have successfully submitted P&G management evaluation form online. I did it but failed. Can anybody help me ? I put all questions on a paper and tried my best to solve it but facing problems? Can anybody discuss it ?

P&G Procter Gamble,


what is quterly accounts ?


We are Storage tank Fabricator having SSI unit.Whether we are liable to pay Service tax or not. If yes then what is the exemption for us?


what is mean by comapany & what is mean by marketing & waht is mean by bill received


1.What is non moving items 2.what is slow moving items 3.what is fast moving items

Jindal, Sahara,

8 79964

can anyone help me out with names of 3 leading 1)logistics companies 2) supply chain companies in the world


1.what is the process of purchasing materials in manufacturing company ? 2.What is the difference b/w invoice and Purchase order? 3.How to select,to purchase the best product/material in manufacturing industry?

Hills Cement,

2 12024

distinguish between recruitment nad selection


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Un-Answered Questions { Industrial Management }

What do you mean by ethical dilemmas? Describe the frameworks for resolving ethical dilemmas?


Bonjour Incroyable , mais VRAI ,il y a trop d'escroquerie dans les offres de prêt entre particulier ,donc faite attention a l'Afrique. Moi j'ai visité un site d'annonce du Canada de prêt entre particulier sérieux^partout dans le monde et j'ai connu une Dame formidable, du nom de Mme Maryvonne de nationalité francaise qui aide les gens en leur faisant des prêts et qui m'a accordé un prêt de 350000¤ pour l'achat d'un immobilier que je dois rembourser sur 20ans avec un très faible interêt de sa part soit 3% l'ans.Avant que je ne recoive le montant , j'ai juste souscris une assurance de 2450¤ sur toute ma durée de prêt et là le lendemain matin j'ai reçu l'argent sans payer aucun frais ou taxe de Banque.Besoin de credit personnel ,vos banque refuse de vous accorder de pret,vous etes en CDI et autre de vous adresser à lui et vous serrez satisfait mais attention à vous qui n'aimez pas rembourser les prêts. Voici son mail :


why you want to do MBA in Indusrial management?


distinguish between recruitment nad selection


What do you mean by balance of payments? Explain the relationship between the balance of payments and the exchange rates of a country, giving suitable illustrations in support of your answer?


What is fast moving items?


List the problems of small scale industries.


Differentiate between trips and trims. State the items prohibited in trims.


why are choose the transformer ratings in KVA?


what is mean by comapany & what is mean by marketing & waht is mean by bill received


Explain the relationship between the balance of payments and the exchange rates of a country, giving suitable illustrations in support of your answer?


What are the major problems faced by developing countries in promoting their exports? Suggest some solutions to these problems?


What is slow moving items?


Describe the frameworks for resolving ethical dilemmas?


Can any body explain about man and machine calculation? especially in pharma sector.