Engineering Interview Questions
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what is mean by harmonics

1 3566

When we synchronize the Generator BKR with TIE BKR then Gen BKR is hold but TIE BKR is Tripped on Non directional over current but when TIE BKR is Syn. with Gen. BKR then no fault occur so what is the problem


1 2791

What is Solution Annealing? kindly explain its process in brief

1 2780

write the expression for a multiple Pi section filter's ripple factor?



what is the meaning of 8 bit processors???????/

6 7987

How the real power output is controlled in a Generator?

2 3437

how do you reduce the skin effect

2 3888

i m doing DEEE in part time,can i join regular cources in BE,,IF i join what the cources can i select like (civil,ece,IT) ,,kindly advice


Dear all, i completed M.E(Power Electronics & Drives) 2011 passed out having 78% so i need job in core side but i don't know how can i receive the calls from electrical companies and i uploaded my CV in naukri, times jobs etc.. In that iam not recieved any mails from good companies so give me best procedure plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..... Thanks, K.Linga Reddy Ph no:-08015402078

1 4548

How to write test cases for Auditing in Health care Applications?


1. What is CPU?


2 5364

2. Silicon Valley of India?


4 6867

how many maximum nos of add on contact we shd provide on 4 no contactor


1 3093

what are the checks of diesel gensets


2 3661

why the making current is more than then the breaking current and if its true then its about a controling circuit or breaker power contact points


Un-Answered Questions { Engineering }

Define circuit turn off time


why we use 19x9x9and 20x10x10 but not other


What distance should be maintained between networking (data) cable & power cable if both cables are run in a seperate condute pipe parallaly?


Are all metals heavy? Explain.


any one have C-Dot interview question.....its urgent ...if any one hav..plzz share as soon as possible.


Explain the congressional space medal of honor?


If there are two transformer having rating of 2.5mva, 6.6kv/440v(satr-star),and the load is 600kw then what is better to maintain less losses in transformer having both transformer in parellel or only single transformer connected to load? Please give calculated answer


How can you separate hydrogen peroxide into hydrogen and oxygen?


what is working process of star delta controlling circuit ?


What is the RME and explain the full form and what is the RME work?


What is a mosfet? How is it different from a jfet? What are its typical applications?


I had completed my diploma in electronics and communication. Currently am working with a pvt. ltd. (with two years of experiences) company which makes panel using plc, VFD(drivers) and scada monitoring system. so should i get supervisor licence for my supervisor post???


Differentiate first angle & third angle projection?


gearless vehicle used which type of gearbox and do this work????


what is the use for electrical c licence