Manual Testing Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

what is Regresstion testing? when it will be needed?

MBT, Satyam,

19 23499

what is parallel testing?


17 53270

What is endurance testing?

Infosys, MBT, Syntel,

16 64973

what is Test Responsibility matrix?

3 16419

what is mask testing?


2 11850

Branch testing comes under white box testing or black box testing?


2 8871

what is tracebility matrix?

IonIdea, TCS,

8 24069

what is the meaning of compatibility testing in view of web application testing?


12 18052

what is Latent Bug?


9 22230

what is test plan and what it consists?

AndPlus, Forum, MBT, TCS,

15 57438

what is sevirity and who will decided that one?

Creative Informatics, MBT, TCS,

11 21721

Is there any diff. between Bug,Defect,Error?


19 26419

what are the advantages and disadvantages of waterfall model?


23 65088

where testing exactly starts in v-model?

MBT, Planit,

19 27595

what is verification and validation?

DRDL, Infosys, MBT,

34 94349

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Un-Answered Questions { Manual Testing }

types of reviews?Advantages of reviews? Diff between process and procedure? diff b/w verification and validation? diff b/w cmm,cmmi? exp tqm,gqm,iso,ieee? Roles and responsibilities of tester? Ricks,types of ricks? what r Quality factors?


Work flow in testing in your company?


could u pls anyone tel me .."which is the best instute that provides eficient practical knowledge and also real-time oriented knowldge to do a project in manual and automation hyd" pls send me to dis mail-id if u find any..?


If automating - what is your process for determining what to automate and in what order


Hi, can any tell how a tester can be judged? i have to interview a tester, how should i judge whether he has a justified experience or not? how a person with 3 years of experience in manual testing can be judge?


How do you go about testing a project?


pl. give me the list of top jobs website to register i have 2Yrs. Experience in manual testing


What icon is used in WinRunner to get an explanation of the syntax of TSL?


What are the advantages of waterfall model?


What is difference between Manual testing and Pega/BPM testing?


When the GUI Testing will be held on the V model ?


I studied MBA, I want learn any softwarecourse, which course is better hadoop or testing tools(manual+selenium?)


Can you explain tailoring?


what are the risk factors in the project? what is the base for testplan and entry criteria ,exit criteria for test plan?


3. In a system designed to work out the tax to be paid: An employee has £4000 of salary tax free. The next £1500 is taxed at 10%. The next £28000 after that is taxed at 22%. Any further amount is taxed at 40%. To the nearest whole pound, which of these groups of numbers fall into three DIFFERENT equivalence classes?