Oracle Apps SCM Interview Questions
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can u send me the supporting issues in oracle apps scm functional such as inventory,purchasing and order management


After pick released, can I change into backorder? If it is possible, how?

1 3159

In order management, how to reserve an item without booking?


What is the difference between replenishment counting and kanban?


Is it possible to create 5 levels of approval for sales order?


Can i make restrictions for sales order? Like, book the sales order only for 100 or above quantities?

1 2023

How to create sales order/purchase order for service items?

iGate, Mascom,

2 4440

Where to find the ISO accounting entry details?


At Present Gate entry entered in manual register, Should be enter in ERP on line at the main gate against PO. How we can achieve this? (India Localization)

1 1980

Which documents in Purchasing can be autocreated?

1 2484

What are the types of Calender? Where we are define it?

1 2258

Q- How system calculate the average cost? Initial Onhand = 34 Initial Unit Cost = 11.75 Transaction Onhand = 10 Transaction Unit Cost = 10

1 1979

Can a Requisition be amended?

1 2315

At what stage an order can not be cancelled?

2 2813

Can you update the sales order once it is booked?

2 2706

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Un-Answered Questions { Oracle Apps SCM }

Have you handled SR and worked with Oracle for resolution of issues? If yes, how do you assign the priority while raising a SR?


Please let me know the important Interview concepts to be learnt for PO,OM and INV Modules


Do you have knowledge of Inter-Company Invoicing? If yes, explain the process.


In order management, how to reserve an item without booking?


What is the use of ADD to RECEIPT FILED in receipt localized? Then how to performing in SOURCE TYPE INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL?


Oracle report builder 6i is view based then what about report builder 10g?


What are the FAQ's asked Functional consultants in SCM ? If any one knows please send.


Tell me is there a way to update schedule ship date for all lines of so in one go?


What is the use of LC? How is it useful in export sales?


How do i generate Taxes when i'm doing Return To Vendor Transaction?


Explain difference between discrete mfg and process manufacturing?


What is the difference between replenishment counting and kanban?


Where to find the ISO accounting entry details?


What is the use of LC? How is it useful in export sales?


What is the use of INV-Receipts and PO-Reciepts,Just give me the Differences&When,At what Instances to use Them...?