Oracle Apps Manufacturing Interview Questions
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What are the Inventory Key flex fields?

5 25118

In osp cycyle i have one finished goods -FG1 Raw material - RM1 Osp Item - OSP1 Resource -Ospres01 Charge Type -PO Move I assign dept, then i created routing and bom. then i realsed job the PO requestion Generated But when i replace on another OSP ITEM - OSP2 for OSP1 having same attributes i am not getting Po requestion CAn any one help me? Thanks in advance, Raghunandana


5 9112

Do you mean by API

2 7672

what are the Nine mandatory Flexi fields in Inventory set up


6 12187

If any person ask what you know about AIM? How briefly we can explain b'coz we cont expalin AIM in short time.

Satyam, Wipro,

5 9973

What is Reorder point and Reorder quantity? and what is its significance?


5 43045

Types of Calendar? where we are define it?

3 12012

What are step included to make a final assembly?

2 5998

How do you identify model Type and Option Type BOM in Bill of Material Pages?


1 6171

What do you mean by Planning Item?

2 9100

what is an attribute from which we can distingwish an orgnisation and master item organisation?

2 5998

How do you ensure on and availability are daily base for min max planning?

2 4958

What is difference between Sub inventory Transfer and Move order Transfer?


11 47966

Cycle Count?

2 13791

what is differnce between Tomanufactring leadtime and total lead time and total cumulative lead time?

4 10273

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List out the tables in basic oracle apllication modules?