Oracle Apps Technical Interview Questions
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Can we run a package with out specification?If yes how?

4 9026

we have clients in different countries, we can run report in different places, if i want to display particular language,country,currency everything displays for that country how?

1 6079

we have 4 managers if one person logon the system automatically displays his siganature and name how?


1 3197

how can we return morethan one parameters in procedure?

2 4848

what is mutating table and mutating error and how to solve that?

3 10700

we have select statement in that two exceptions that returns no value. In that which exception will raise?

2 5344

what is instead of trigger. what is the use of that?

3 6639

In sequence i want to 11 and 15th values how we will write?


what is pl/sql table and pl/sql records? what is the use of that?


3 8403

what are the sql attributes?

2 6012

what is the difference between varchar and varchar(2)?

4 8414

why we can use synonym?

6 14442

can we write multiple procedures in package with same name like A p1,p2(parameters) B p1,p2(same parameters)

4 12351

we have 10 records. It's occured error in 6th record how can u find and how to rectify that?

2 6268

In interface process we have 1000 records i want to commit every 100 records how? How i can commit every 100 records?

2 8783

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Un-Answered Questions { Oracle Apps Technical }

Which oracle applications pl/sql standard apis you are familiar, have you used most of them?


How to move the one file from one instance to another instance? And your scripts also?


In support project one ticket alloted which steps follows manualy tell me ?


testing tools?


Can you define an erp system?


What do you understand by soa and what are the benefits of using this architecture?


tell me the scenarios of the independent in reports


List the various types of value set.


Hi  Friends this is preetham, i am  searching for job on oracle apps(technical) i put 3 years fake exp, so any one  please could you help me for realtime interview  questions and 9739782164 this is my no srpsrp777@gmail.Com please guys please provide your no for contact i have a doubts i want to clarify


Are you familiar with internet architecture of oracle apps 11i?


What do you understand by concurrent programs?


How do you register report in oracle apps?


What is a flexfield? List out its types.


What is oracle soa suite and what are its different components?


How is choreography different from orchestration?