Networking Administration Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What are the advantages for XP Service Pack2?

Option Matrix InfoTech, Wipro,

13 18951

What is a runt, Giant, and collision?

6 47186

What is the purpose of VRRP?


3 22457

How do you distinguish a DNS problem from a network problem?

Swirl Infosystems, Wipro,

11 66693

what is different between instalation and configuration?


12 17566

what special aspects of your work experience have prepared you for this jobs? can you describe for me one or two of your most important accomplishments? how much supervision have you typically received in your previous job?



Explain how traceroute, ping, and tcpdump work and what they are used for?

4 34826

Describe a case where you have used these tools to troubleshoot?

2 5670

What is the last major networking problem you troubleshot and solved on your own in the last year?

CTS, TCS, Wipro,

1 6781

What LAN analyzer tools are you familiar with and describe how you use them to troubleshoot and on what media and network types.

College School Exams Tests, WeSolv,

2 9855

Explain the contents of a routing table?


2 11234

What routing protocols have you configured?

5 9352

Describe the commands to set up a route.

2 8477

What routing problems have you troubleshot?

1 3960

How do you display a routing table on a Cisco? On a host?

9 20243

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Un-Answered Questions { Networking Administration }

Is there any website? Which can theft or watch any system or computer hardware drives(memory)while they are accessing Internet.If it is avilable what is it? Please answer me.Advance thanks


Define data encapsulation?


List the layers of the osi reference model?


Explain the function of the osi session layer?


what command to restore if the boot block is corrupted in linux


How network topology affect your decision in setting up a network?


Describe vpn?


Explain about vpn?


Explain 802.1Q header?.


Define dhcp?


Tell me about your job profile.


User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is __ and __ a. connectionless, stateless b. connection-orineted, stateless c. connection-oriented, stateful d. connectionless, stateful


How would you monitor and maintain the local area network, email, internet & intranet systems to ensure data security and prevent occurrence of faults?


I have to do a project in transport domain in J2EE.How can i find informations regarding transport domain and why do we use that?


why we r going to freezing service group and system, what are the freezing steps & how to freezing service group?