OOPS Interview Questions
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what is inline function?

3 5274

for example A,B,C,D are class all the 4 class contain one method who() but the method who() implementaion is differnet among each class. the relation among the 4 class are A is base class and is inherited by B and C.and from this two B and C where D is inherited. the question is i want to display the output who() method in all the classes(A,B,C,D)the output of who() method is diferrent amond all the class(A,B,C,D) ------A------ virtuval who(print a) override | | who(print b) B C override who(print c) | | -------D------ override who(print d)

2 3892

what is polymorpsim? what are its types?

8 9305

what is function overloading..?

4 4671

what is a binary overloading

2 5345

what is the difference between function template and template of function?explain with example.

2 18568

what is oppes

2 3967

I am DeePu sotware engineer working with EMC corporation ,recently I had attended mcafee interview . Their questions were at heights of stupidity , I don't know what they want , I am a developer with 4 year experienced .I am listing the questions asked 1:What is the flag in g++ to avoid structure padding 2:In wht order parameters are passed to stack 3:How you will edit code segment of an exe

1 6374

what is the difference between class to class type conversion and copy constructor ?

2 5244

Write 7 differences between "Public" function and "Private" function?

IBM, Wipro,

2 15677

what do you mean by static member variable?

2 5088

What is a unary operator?

5 6994

Conversion from a basic type to a class type may be achieved using______________


5 20121

A file pointer always contains the __________ of the file

5 10362

difine hierarchical inheritance.


9 24961

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#include #include #include #include void insert(char *items, int count); int main(void) { char s[255]; printf("Enter a string:"); gets(s); insert(s, strlen(s)); printf("The sorted string is: %s.\n", s); getch(); return 0; } void insert(char *items, int count) { register int a, b; char t; for(a=1; a < count; ++a) { t = items[a]; for(b=a-1; (b >= 0) && (t < items[b]); b--) items[b+1] = items[b]; items[b+1] = t; } } design an algorithm for Insertion Sort


What is the benefit of oop?


What is an example of genetic polymorphism?


write a programe to calculate the simple intrest and compund intrest using by function overlading


Explain virtual inheritance?


officer say me - i am offered to a smoking , then what can you say


What does it mean when someone says I oop?


What are the 3 pillars of oop?


to find out the minimum of two integer number of two different classes using friend function


What is constructor overloading in oop?


What does I oop mean?


What is abstraction with example?


Why do we use class in oops?


What is meant by oops concept?


What is the purpose of polymorphism?