Data Warehouse Interview Questions
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1 3485

Any one tell me some 5 session failure in real time?And why problem occur how to solve the issues?


1 3927

we have 20 records in source system, when we run for the 1st time, it should load only 10 records into the target, when you run for the second time it should load another 10 record which are not loaded. How do we do that? Can we write a SQL query in source qualifier to do it. This q' is asked in one f the interviews. Please let me know if anyone knows. Thanks


3 7099

How can we select pr retrieve the particular row in dataset by using orchadmin command?


1 3597

I have 3 jobs A,B and C , which are dependent each other. I want to run A & C jobs daily and B job run only on sunday. how can we do it?


1 4840

Hi Cognos Folks, I have all cognos certification dumps. In fact i am certified in most of the dumps recently. I have cognos material, pdfs, user guides, documents along with dumps. If any one required cognos dumps, please drop me mail at Thanks, Cognos bi user


13 16211

hi frnds any body have cognos projects plz send me two(or)three projects to my mail adress


i have a session which creates a file every time when i runs the session, but it replaces the first file with second file,i want to append the second file follwed by first file when i runs the session,how to achieve this?

Thomson Reuters,

1 4649

in my source i have 100 records, and 3 targets, i want to load 1st record into 1st target,2nd record into 2nd target,3rd record into 3rd target again 4th target into 1st target and vice versa,how to achieve this?

Thomson Reuters,

3 12054

can we import source table without using source qualifier? if yes then how? if no then why?

Thomson Reuters,

2 9496

in my source table i want to delete first and last records and load in between records into target? how can it possible?

HCL, Thomson Reuters,

3 8384

i have 1000 records in my dource table, the same i have in target ,but a new column added in target as "batchno", and this column adds no 10 for 1st 100 records and 20 for next 100 records and 30 next 100 records and vice versa. how to acheive this?

Thomson Reuters,

6 10105

in my lookup table i want to catch the recently updated records from the source to target,how to achieve this and what is last commit interval point for this?

Thomson Reuters,

2 6017

Can any one help me about cubes in cognos.How to create the cubes and how to migrate from development to QA and also what is the procedure to refresh teh cubes.

2 4391

How many number of reject links merge stage can have?


7 12571

Un-Answered Questions { Data Warehouse }

What is the use of the co> operating system in ab initio?


Explain standard filters?


how do u estimate the depth of the session scheduling queue? Where do u set the number of maximum concurrent sessions that Informatica can run at a given time?


Suppose we want to display zero when null values coming to report how can we do that?


What is write-back in obiee ?


What is the information present in the cognos configuration file?


Which date function advances a date, time or datetime value by a given interval?


What are the five ways to do a table lookup in sas? : sas-grid-administration


Which is the database redshift is using?


There is a column with date in it. If I want to get just month how it can be done? Can I use sub string?


Can intelligence server integrate with my existing data structure?


Why do we use exception activity in Datastage?


Difference between project merge and object manager?


how do u extract data from different data sources explain with an example?


Explain why dimenstion tables are denormalized in nature?