we have 20 records in source system, when we run for the 1st
time, it should load only 10 records into the target, when
you run for the second time it should load another 10 record
which are not loaded. How do we do that? Can we write a SQL
query in source qualifier to do it. This q' is asked in one
f the interviews. Please let me know if anyone knows. Thanks

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we have 20 records in source system, when we run for the 1st time, it should load only 10 records ..

Answer / suresh

SQ ==> select rownum as num,col1,col2,.. from table
FLT ==> num >= MVar1 and num <=MVar2

Mvar1 and MVar2 are assigned with the value of 1 and 10 respectively

in EXP=>V-port - setvariable(mvar1, 10)
V-port - setvariable(mvar1, 20)

after the execution of the mapping 10 and 20 values are stored in the mvar1 and mvar2 into the repository

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we have 20 records in source system, when we run for the 1st time, it should load only 10 records ..

Answer / santosh

1. Create a mapping variable $$SESSION.
2. Link from SQ to Router t/r.
3. Create two group
4. Link both group to two filter and create two Sequence geneter and check the reset option.
5. Link the sequence generator to filter t/r.
6. Keep the condition as "NEXTVAL<=10" for first filter.
7. Keep the condition as "NEXTVAL>10" for second filter.
8. Link the two filter to two different target instance.

Let me know if any things wrong.

Thanks & Regards
Santosh Kumar Sarangi

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we have 20 records in source system, when we run for the 1st time, it should load only 10 records ..

Answer / babu

If u r source is Relational,then u can write sqloverride.
SQ ==> select rownum as num,col1,col2,.. from table
FLT ==> (num >= MVar1 and num <=MVar2)

NOTE: MVar1,MVar2 are mapping variables the initial values
of these variables 1,10 with respectivelly.

after completion of firsst run the variables are increased
11,20 respectivelly.all are knows how to declare the
mapping variables.


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