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HCL Struts Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What is MVC Architecture?

21 94622

How Struts will follow the MVC?

6 17955

How to set email notification using struts.Plz give the example code?

5 13665

Is struts thread safe?

4 23836

Wat is Difference between Mvc1 architecture and Mvc2 Architecture?

21 50945

what is the disadvantages of using DynaActionForm in struts framework?

5 17507

what are the componenets of struts?

8 13285

what are componeents presents in Strutsconfig.xml?

2 17543

what is the difference between SAX Parser and DOM Parser??

14 70215

life cycle of struts?

14 65240

Difference between struts1.2 and struts2.0?

3 32339

What is the use of ActionErrors in Struts?

2 7244

how to implement singletun design patteren in struts?

5 11788

in struts without integrate hibernate how to use directly explain?

1 3181

Post New HCL Struts Interview Questions

HCL Struts Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

Describe JMX?


What is noop=true?


What is meant by deadlock in db2?


What Is The Formula For Thermal Capacitance?


What is difference between internal and protected internal in c#?


How to declare an array in vbscript?


How you test a Pen?


What does this keyword mean in c#?


What is the formula of percentage in excel?


What is scalar data type in pl sql?


What is the difference between functions getch() and getche()?


how to maintain frenquncy with syncronising sub-station for distribution


What is the command or the option available in postgresql that can be used to retrieve the next SERIAL value from the sequence object?


How i can handle exception in large code like 1000 line without distrubing the code or without exception handler sction?


What is an effector cell?