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HCL Interview Questions
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Tell me about yourself?

229 491417

why you used Java Script? Can it use for both client side and server side validation purpose?

12 30078

what are Implode and Explode functions?

8 29135

What is Win32?

14 35256

How to access or modify the const variable in c ?

16 36701

Difference between Top down and bottom up approaches for a given project ?

14 105354

What is difference between initialization and assignment?

12 59849

What is virtual constructor paradigm?

5 13696

when can we use virtual destructor?

7 24509

What is Difference between thread and process?

28 259146

What is the abbreviation of SMILE

12 30623

what sort of things what u put in Bug Report ?

5 12251

Will you write a test plan in all phases?

11 24080

In Dialog program Syntax of Synchronous and Asynchronous?

2 8712


4 10276

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HCL Interview Questions

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Whats difference betweeen operational data stage (ods) and data warehouse?


Rounded off to the nearest trillion, how many miles is in a light year?


What is java Applet?


Tell the difference between cheque and demand draft?


Explain what is siebel gateway?


What is array class in java?


How do I make a static page in wordpress?


How do I find the path of a shared folder?


Is integer immutable in java?


Why company issue shares at discount as its a loss ?


which of the following is not a typical host application for the flash player? : Adobe flash


What do we mean by record group in oracle forms?


How can I retrieve two tables of data at a time by using data reader? Data reader read and forward only, how is it possible to get 2 tables of data at a time?


Please explain the different stages in creating a report in cognos report net?


explain the working components of django?