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ITC Indian Tobacco Company Interview Questions
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Tell us about a marketing plan that you have developed and the result of implementing that plan.


how should we start our self introduction.what is the sequence should we after our name then what we have to say.

41 543383

how did you spend yester day

67 257632

If any recruiter ask like this "We offer low salary compare to other big companies. You have chance to get the job in it after some period. Why you choose my compaany?"

8 11414

Where do you see yourself after 5 Years?

13 50257

why it is important to earth neutral of 3 phase transformer?

9 16688

what is your dream company?

9 67646

what is call by value and call by reference ?

3 12816

What are the different Distribution channels & Divisions your client is having?

2 5313

what are the major duties of a mechanical engineer in a power plant.?

2 6363

have in 100 records in a file i want to read first 3 records and skip next 3 records and agan i want to read 3 records and again i want to skip 3 records...

2 9058

What is 66 level number and where it is used in real time by software developers?

2 7444

Difference between UNION and UNIONALL

1 2569

Develop a marketing plan?


What do you like most about sales?


Post New ITC Indian Tobacco Company Interview Questions

ITC Indian Tobacco Company Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

Define a task tracker?


What laboratory tests and techniques are commonly used in hematology to assess blood cell counts, morphology, and hemoglobin levels?


What are negative indexes?


why do we not use equivalent voltage source in negative sequence equivalent ckt.


What is the difference between class inheritance and interface inheritance?


What Will Be the Impact of AOL and Yahoo!'s Use of Goodmail on Email Marketing?


What is meant by celling voltage & current in excitor ?


When a superior planet is at quadrature in reference to the earth, what is its elongation in degrees?


Explain where do you specify the license host details when you setup the clearcase for the first time?


What's your salary history?


what is mbo and mbo set?


How do I group all objects in word?


Can MapReduce program be written in any language other than Java?


You are a contract project manager working with the State of Bliss. Your latest project involves rewriting the Department of Revenue's income tax system. As project manager, you have taken all the appropriate actions regarding confidentiality of data. One of the key stakeholders is a huge movie huff, and she has the power to promote you into a better position at the conclusion of this project. She's reviewing some report data that just happens to include confidential information regarding one of her favorite movie superstars. What is the most appropriate response? A. Report her to the management team. B. Request that she immediately return the information, citing conflict of interest and violation of confidential company data. C. Do nothing as she has the proper level of access rights to the data and this information showed up unintentionally. D. Request that she immediately return the information until you can confirm that she has the proper level of access rights to the data.


Which is not an ANSII C++ function a) sin() b) tmpnam() c) kbhit()