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UHG Interview Questions
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i have 500 testcases there,how to perform the Regression testin nad retesting?

3 7891

the successive discounts of 15%,20%is equal to ?

4 7898

14%of 14000 is equal to

11 13515

in a certain group there are two families red and brown;search for mahindra satyam for this paragraph

3 6844

what is the test scenario?

1 3432

How to write test cases for payment gateway.

2 19224

What is d main advantage of using double circuit 3 phase transmission ?


Converting Vertical PIVOTing without using PIVOT stage in DataStage. Ex: DEPT_NO EMPNAME 10 Subhash 10 Suresh 10 sravs Output: DEPT_NO EMP1 EMP2 EMP3 10 subhash suresh sravs 2) How to implement Horizontal PIVOTing without using PIVOT stage.

3 15402

Hi guys, please design a job with derivation(solution). write exact conditions. My requirement Source table emp_no qualification 1 a 1 c 2 a 3 c 3 b Target table emp_no qualification 1 b 2 b 2 c 3 a Here every employer have three qualifications i.e a,b and c. what ever source table dont have some qualification, that will be move to target table. Like above. Hope u get the point. Thanks.

4 9587

whether postpaid telephone expenses can be taken under prepaid expenses when advance payment made by a/c payee cheque for the month of march.

3 7329

Can we use where and having clauses in a single SAS program. ex: proc sql;     select a,b,c from test      where state in 'KA'      and having . Is the above program run correctly, if not why ?     

4 8994

i have two programs 1.cobol program 2.copy book program can i move bouth program in to the production or single single program?

1 3165

in rpg could u please tell me errors types and meanings like 3030 that ....

1 4063

Hi , May i know what is the time gap maintained between visits ? once i got my B1/B2 approved in Jan 2014 i was their in US from Jan'14 to may 14 (3mnths)and again went back in Nov'14 and stayed till may'15 ( 6 mnths) when can i travel again ?


what is dynslt and why we use that command when do we use command

2 6709

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What are the different alloys of brass?


What is view explain with example?


How do I insert a list of figures in word 2010?


Which object holds only data and does not interact with data source?


Angular 4 cookie vs token authentication?


What is the core of the job in MapReduce framework?


What is database migration used in laravel 5? Explain


How should errors be handled in swift?


What is Credit Check?


Described WordPress?


What is include in php?


Discuss how to prepare the M/E in the standby condition


Which is faster entity framework or


Which property is considered as not a desirable property of a logical rule-based system?


What is Standby ?