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Motorola Interview Questions
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How to reverse a string using a recursive function, without swapping or using an extra memory?

31 95859

What is the Difference between Class and Struct?

10 11048

What is the Difference between Macro and ordinary definition?

3 24806

What is TACACS? Radius?

4 26443

Give a oneline C expression to test whether a number is a power of 2?

25 36343

can we create a smartform without a MAIN window?give me the reason!

11 47765

Coin Problem You are given 9 gold coins that look identical. One is counterfeit and weighs a bit greater than the others, but the difference is very small that only a balance scale can tell it from the real one. You have a balance scale that costs 25 USD per weighing. Give an algorithm that finds the counterfeit coin with as little weighting as possible. Of primary importance is that your algorithm is correct; of secondary importance is that your algorithm truly uses the minimum number of weightings possible. HINT: THE BEST ALGORITHM USES ONLY 2 WEIGHINGS!!!

1 14839

what's the o/p int main(int n, char *argv[]) { char *s= *++argv; puts(s); exit(0); }

1 4103

what is difference between array and structure?

44 128058

Function to find the given number is a power of 2 or not?

20 40674

How can I use the value retrieved by OUTPUT VALUE check point as Input for other Actions?

1 3617

If we have an array of Interger values, find out a sub array which has a maximum value of the array and start and end positions of the array..The sub array must be contiguious. Take the start add to be 4000. For Ex if we have an array arr[] = {-1,-2,-5,9,4,3,-6,8,7,6,5,-3} here the sub array of max would be {8,7,6,5} coz the sum of max contiguous array is 8+7+6+5 = 26.The start and end position is 4014(8) and 4020(5).

5 9800

what are the new features available in java 1.5 version?

3 15930

What is the difference between Alpha and Beta Testing?

13 16143

what will be the common test case for SMS and Mp3 player applications?

3 19430

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Motorola Interview Questions

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is there any codal provision for soil cousion over the Hume pipe of Dia 1.2 m.


What is flag in python?


What is artificial intelligence neural networks?


Do you know in python what are iterators?


hi everybody, iam Adi Durga, i complited my bsc(computers) in 2008.I have experience in finacial and bpo companys(mnc). but iam intersted on s/w role.I have the technical skills c, c++, Oracle 9i and manual testing. But i dont know hoe to strat my career in s/w. Every company offering on financial/bpo side. In this I attended nearly 10 companies,I selected in 8. All those are bpo and finacial, But i cant get any opportunities on s/w side.plz help how to get opportunites on s/w side. Actually I am interested on testing side. But every company offering for only experienced persons. plz help me. this is my mailid....


how much mass should be there in volumetric flask while in preparation of sample for assay? 


What is the difference between django and python?


What language does google use for machine learning?


What is your development process?


To what extent are different mobile devices supported with the new office 365?


what should be used in the name of constant? : Adobe flash


What are the scope of static variables?


What is cursor in mysql?


How is AWS Elastic Beanstalk different than AWS OpsWorks?


What things you would care about to improve the performance of application if its identified that its db communication that needs to be improved?