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Motorola SAPScript Interview Questions
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can we create a smartform without a MAIN window?give me the reason!

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Motorola SAPScript Interview Questions

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Hi! My OTP script has several bitmap checkpoints included which I check in the test results xml file. The test is for SAP 4.7. I need to save these bitmaps to files or at least export them to the html file using the export function in the test results viewer. Could you please help me with this problem? Thank you in advance! Best regards, Peter


hi i am in final year of msc electronics.i am interested in space research.but i dont know which stations offering if any one has an idea please tell me the details. thank you


how to attach pdf in output determination .


if 6 earth pit value is 1.5 ohm then what should be the number of earth pit to make the value .8 ohm


How to open and close an explicit cursor in oracle?


How do you send files to the legacy systems from sap and vice versa? How does one know that the legacy files have come on to the sap server you are working on? : abap bdc


In what service does AWS work?


How can I avoid resourceexceptions when sending more requests for database connections from the pool than are currently available? : BEA Weblogic


What are the categories in which the design patterns can be divided?


Explain a/b testing in terms of google analytics.


Explain the Component of Process-as-a-Service in Cloud Computing?


differentiate between planning characteristic and navigation attribute


What is are packages?


What are your career plans at Subway?


I want to insert date in the form of yyyy-mm-dd... if any changes happen while inserting date format want to show error meg...any one can solve this..??