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Intel Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

How do you carry usability testing?

5 16527

what will happen in Initialization event?

8 21424

Events in Interactive Report?

12 31264

Difference Between ATPF and AT user command?

3 13125

How you will catch errors in call transaction?

3 12019

How will you process errors in session method?

3 11517

Difference Between Call By Value and Call By Reference?

24 220051

What are steps involved in creating ALE?

2 7105

How can you see the errors displayed in IDOC?

2 6597

How many Interactive lists can you create in One Report?

4 7708

what is the Tcode BD87?

5 28259

Tcode for create Basic ALE settings?

1 6886

what is the IDOC status code?

5 11154

What?s the difference between // comments, /* */ comments and /// comments?

2 6172

What are the OOPS concepts?

106 298984

Post New Intel Interview Questions

Intel Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What is ol and ul?


What is the difference between writing a joiner query in ANSI style and THETA style?


What do you know about php artisan?


Identifying the bottlenecks in various components of Informatica and resolving them.


What is the correct php command to use to catch any error messages within the code?


How to connect ebs volume to multiple instances?


why u have choosen finance has a specialisation


what is purpose of slow,medium,fast sampling in process validation ?


How to improve performance of this code?


What is the use of performance monitoring?


Tell me when one must use recursion function? Mention what happens when recursion functions are declared inline?


Explain how do I convert a string to an int in c#?


How do make one system dedicated to one user. How do to restrict the user login to the system.


You are a project manager for a telecommunications firm. You're working on a project that entails upgrading technical hardware and equipment. The estimated cost of the hardware and equipment is $1,725,000. You are reviewing products from three different vendors. One of the vendors invites you to lunch. What is the most appropriate response? A. Thank them but let them know this could be a conflict of interest since you haven't made a decision about which vendor you're going to choose. B. Thank them and decline. You know this could be considered personal gain, which could call your integrity into question. C. Thank them and accept. You don't believe there is a conflict of interest or a personal integrity issue. D. Thank them and decline. You believe this could be a conflict of interest on the part of the vendor, and you don't want to encourage that behavior.


can one have multiple packing for delivery? answer is yes , but where we maintain this? wt is the process?