Tell me about a time when you had to deal with a difficult
person at work

Answer Posted / reign

There was a time when i was a team leader in a gasoline station my new team member misfill the vehicle of one of our customer. And the customer was so mad and looking for our manager on that time our manager is not around and as a team leader , i talk to him and asking him what happen , I stay calm and i apologize for what was happen. and I just let the customer vent his anger and telling him if i was on his position i will feel the same way.And And told my team member to push the vehicle at the parking area after that I bring the customer to our office and i immediately call for a car mechanic and as the mechanic arrive at the station they drain the tank right away and fill his vehicle with the right fuel. As a result the customer still mad but at least calm down a bit, test his vehicle and leave the station.

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