What are clr?cts?cls?

Answer Posted / gangadhar

All .NET applications are compiled into Intermediate
Language code (MSIL). When executed on the CLR, MSIL is
converted into native machine code specific to the
operating platform. This process is done by a Just In Time
(JIT) compiler. The code executed by the CLR is called as
Managed Code. This code is type safe and thoroughly checked
by the CLR before being deployed. The .NET runtime also
provides a facility to incorporate existing COM components
and DLL's into a .NET application. Code that is not
controlled by the CLR is called Unmanaged Code.

The .NET Framework is further comprised of Common Type
System (CTS) and Common Language Specification (CLS). The
CTS defines the common data types used by .NET programming
languages. The CTS tells you how to represent characters
and numbers in a program. The CLS represents the guidelines
defined by for the .NET Framework. These specifications are
normally used by the compiler developers and are available
for all languages, which target the .NET Framework.

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