1)What is ur project architecture ?
2)how to move project from developement to uat?
3)What is the difference between datastage 6,7.1 and
datasttage 7.5?
4).How to do error handling in datastage?
5)3.Whta is unit testing, system testing and integration
6)What is the Exact difference between BASIC Transformer
and NORMAL Transformer?When we will go for BASIC Or NORMAL

7)why we use third party tools in datastage?
8)What is the purpose of Debugging stages? In real time
Where we will use?

Answer Posted / rajesh

1) bottom up architecture
2)Through ds manager export into local machine from development server in .dsx format and then import into uat server.
4) go to status view in datastage director. we can see errors.
6)Basic transformer:- Compiles in Basic language and takes less time to compile.
Doesn't supports multiple nodes and use in server jobs.
Normal transformer:- compiles in basic language and c++ and takes more time to compile compare to basic transformer.
It is used in parallel jobs and supports nodes.
7)More reliable to support particular process like sheduling ann ata modelling.
eg- autosis, erwin
8) to pick up sample data and to test d job.

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hi iam new to this tooliam cmpltied to know abt datastage so now iam in project tell me whole step by step what iam doing iwnt to go with exp so plz hlp me pals


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create a job that splits the data in the Jobs.txt file into four output files. You will direct the data to the different output files using constraints. • Job name: JobLevels • Source file: Jobs.txt • Target file 1: LowLevelJobs.txt − min_lvl between 0 and 25 inclusive. − Same column types and headings as Jobs.txt. − Include column names in the first line of the output file. − Job description column should be preceded by the string “Job Title:” and embedded within square brackets. For example, if the job description is “Designer”, the derived value is: “Job Title: [Designer]”. • Target file 2: MidLevelJobs.txt − min_lvl between 26 and 100 inclusive. − Same format and derivations as Target file 1. • Target file 3: HighLevelJobs.txt − min_lvl between 101 and 500 inclusive. − Same format and derivations as Target file 1. • Rejects file: JobRejects.txt − min_lvl is out of range, i.e., below 0 or above 500. − This file has only two columns: job_id and reject_desc. − reject_desc is a variable-length text field, maximum length 100. It should contain a string of the form: “Level out of range: ”, where is the value in the min_lvl field. My Question is how do you write the stage variable for reject rows.


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