Can anyone please explain GAP analysis with example ? I
know theoretically the meaning of GAP analysis. I would
like to know some real time examples of GAP analysis.
Please help.

Answer Posted / subha


Before implemeting the sap legacy model you might have a
number of sales order in place created through sales and it might be a trobule some in creating the
revenue account WHICH WAS Identifed and with the help of
sap legacy model we created couppled all te sales order in a
single doc and thus it was must convient in posting the
sales doc billoing valeues in prepation of credit or debit

Second eg:
In the delivery model once the delivery was done we used to
immeditely go in for PGI and had to be mainted each
individualy Once sap module was put into pratice we created
the dleivery schdule byt adding the coumns for routing and
transprt thus the whoe porcess was found to be more
systematic and frinendly

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