tell me something about yourself?

Answer Posted / lian thangvung

My name is.......I am from.....I did my in the year of .....
I have been consistent in my academic perfomance,though I
see a scope of further improvement I am a good learner and
I enjoy working with other as a team.And I am a family
of...members I have ... sister father is
a....... and my mother...../if house wife, is a house wife
where she has a role to take care of the family afair.Now I
am looking forward to joining a company/organization where
I could earn and learn something remarkable everyday in the
officer/on my work place.

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Hi Friends, Can anyone send me a Six Sigma question bank with answers on my email id : I am a quality manager in a Mulitnational Company. I have to design a question paper for my already trained green belts and black belts. I had a great knowledge base on six sigma at my home pc but since the mother board has gone bad and it has gobe for repair, I am not able to design a question paper. Please send me a question bank if anyone of you has it. I know that these things are really valuable but I would be highly obliged if you can do this favour. I would look forward to a long professional relationship with that individual. Thanks


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