SAP Script is client dependent. Smartform is client
independent. What is the main defference between two?

Answer Posted / anil .kb

There are some good number of differences between
Smartforms and SAP-Scripts.They are...
1.100 main windows are there in scripts and for smartforms
it is only 1.
2.we can't set background pictures in scripts but its
possible in smartforms.
3.A smartform can have multiple page format,but scripts
can't have such.
4.There is no drag and drop facility present in scripts but
its there in Smartforms.
5.After execution of a Smartform a Fuction Module generates
but in scripts this it not the same.
6.we can create a smartform with out a main window,but for
scripts there has to be a main window present at least.
7.We can't write Routine in scripts but its verywell
possible in smartforms.

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