What is MVC Architecture?

Answer Posted / hrishikesh nandanwar

Model-View-Controller (MVC)
Model-View-Controller architecture is used for interactive
web-applications. This model minimizes the coupling between
business logic and data presentation to web user. This
model divides the web based application into three layers:
1. Model: Model domain contains the business logics and
functions that manipulate the business data. It provides
updated information to view domain and also gives response
to query. And the controller can access the functionality
which is encapsulated in the model.
2. View: View is responsible for presentation aspect of
application according to the model data and also
responsible to forward query response to the controller.
3. Controller: Controller accepts and intercepts user
requests and controls the business objects to fulfill these
requests. An application has one controller for related
functionality. Controller can also be depends on the type
of clients.

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