What is the maximum number of levels available in SAP?

Answer Posted / anupam halder

In the standard system, the product hierarchy consists of
up to 3 levels. The first and second levels have 5 digits
and the third level has 8. The maximum number of digits is
18 and the maximum number of levels is 9.

You can define hierarchy nodes at the individual levels of
the product hierarchy.

From the initial screen you can branch to the following

Product hierarchy structure
In the Data Dictionary, you can change the structure of the
product hierarchy (e.g. the number of levels).
Data entry/display
Here you define the display of the product hierarchy and
the format of the accompanying text.
Product hierarchy
Here you define your product hierarchies.
Field catalog for pricing
Here you make fields of the product hierarchy structure
available for use in pricing.
Field catalog for the Logistics Information System
Here you make fields of the product hierarchy structure
available for use in the Logistics Information System.

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