What is database replicaion? What are the different types
of replication you can set up in SQL Server?

Answer Posted / neeraj singh bhandari

Replication is the technique provided by MS SQl server to
keep the replicate copy of database.

There are four basis type of Replication which we can set
up in sql server

1. Snapshot replication – It is used when data at Publisher
is static means not changing frequently and Subscriber need
update data

2. Transactional replication - It is used when data is
changing frequently at publisher and Subscriber need on
line data from publisher.

3. Merge replication- It is used when there is no constant
connection between Publisher and Subscriber. When they come
on line then data will replicate. In replication data
can conflict and resolve this there is rule set up already.

4. Transactional replication with Updateable Subscription-
It is similer to Transactional replication but update
backs to Publisher from Subscriber. In this it add extra
field in table called ms_repl- etc to keep the update data
from Subscriber.

We can also implement Peer to Peer replication which is
Headless topology. To do this we need enterprise edition of
sql server 2005. In this there is more than one Publishers
and one or more Subscribers. Every participant is both
Publisher and Subscriber. This is mostly use when every one
wants to read and modify the data.

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