Hi ,

Currently i am working in an MNC company as an SAP
Security tier1 member , we will take care of User
Administration , Profile/authorization administration
activities .Could any one tell me , is i am eligible to
apply for an SAP Security job for 2 years experience .

Could any one tell me about SOD , SOX Audit and Virsa tool ,
i have never worked before .


Answer Posted / geethu

Hi Prakash,

If you are very strong in Security you can apply for
Security job for 2years..If you are not please dont
experiment in new company it wil a big problem for you.

And for SOD and SOX is very Important topic. SOD
Sagregation of Duty Analysis is fully automated tool which
is used for auditing.

SOD and SOX is very huge topic. You cannot understand until
you read relevant books and start practice

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