murali raju

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Questions / { murali raju }
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Why you have to add the specific add in in QTP? My answer is to recognize the specific objects we have to add the add-in in QTP...but he asked again after adding addin how qtp recognize the objects successfully? what is there in the add-in ?


1 QTP 1645

which is the easiest way you can send the QTP test results to Client if he want to see the screenshots when the results are failed?


1 QTP 2099

What are the five challenges you faced in QTP?


QTP 2760

Is QTP Object Oriented language or Object Based language? What are the OOPS concepts it will support? Why it wont support all the OOPS concepts?


1 QTP 2656

How to integrate QTP with QC using VB Scripting? What are the prerequisites to connect with QC?

CTS, Nabard,

QTP 1292

Client is able to provide budget..he want you to choose the automation tool for the web application? which one you will select ? QTP or Selenium ? what are the reasons?


QTP 1236

You will receive the mail in your outlook from client at night time to go ahead for the execution. Based on the mail you need to trigger the batch run. What is the QTP Code for this?


QTP 1356

In a WebTable 2nd row,3rd column contains one link and that link name is changing dynamically. How you will click the link?

Bank Of America,

1 QTP 2314

What is dictionary object? what is the use of it? How you will display all the items in the dictionary object?

Bank Of America,

1 QTP 2056

Do you know SQL? I know SQL but i don't have any experience...that's it..No more questions ...simply he said " you can leave for the day" ...guys prepare SQL Quires before attending interview in bank of america...

Bank Of America,

QTP 1328

How to validate the dropdown value contains specific value or not?

Selenium 440

Explain Cucumeber Framework?

Selenium 484

What are the different Exceptions in selenium?

Selenium 518

How you are integrating cucumber feature files with step files?

Selenium 447

what is your approach clicking all the links which are available on the page?

Selenium 508

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Answers / { murali raju }

Question { MBT, 45370 }

what are the mandatory and assistive properties of objects
in QTP?What is attached text?Plz assist me with proper


at runtime qtp recognize object using mandatory
properties..if the mandatory properties are not sufficent
to recognize the object then it's go to assistive
properties...attached text is one of the property to
recognize the object .suppose the edit box of Agent name in
flight reservation attached text property is "AgentName:"

if u want to change the mandatory or assistive properties
go to the object identification...already default
properties of mandatory and assistive properties are
available in object identification .No one can give the
answer comman properties of mandatory and assitive
properties..because the properties are changed depends on
the standard windows,web,visul

Is This Answer Correct ?    11 Yes 4 No

Question { BirlaSoft, 18450 }



all companies are used shared Repository..if there any
disadavantage for that OR why they are using Shared?

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 3 No

Question { BirlaSoft, 6292 }

the question was on what techonlogy u been working on i
said VB then he asked me the addin for VB in Qtp?


The default addins for qtp are Activex,visulbasi,web.if u
are using qtp..that all are default addins..for runnig the
approprate applications...without vb addin u cant able to
run vb applications.

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 0 No

Question { ITC Infotech, 25659 }

what is object repository size?


if u are using global object repostiory the OR file saves
in .tsr extension. if u are usig per-action objec repostioy
the OR file saves in .mtr file extension..u want to know
the size of object repository see the appropriate file .tsr or .mtr files..i think ur

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 2 No

Question { ITC Infotech, 25659 }

what is object repository size?


Is there any limitation size for notepad or wordpad..ok if
there any limitation for those two..plz give me the
details..i dont know how much it holds the tsr file..don't
think about Object Repositoy size..if the size increases
then it will be a problem..No company didn't allow the more
objects in the object repostiory that case we
write descriptive programming.

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 1 No

Question { ITC Infotech, 25659 }

what is object repository size?


hi qtp 8.2 the size limit is 1.5 mb..?is it
true..we are using qtp 8.2 with object repostiory size was
19 MB..i think there is no limition for object reopositoy

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

Question { 5946 }

Any one knows about descriptive programming to identify
objects in a page?
Kindly drop me mail


Hi .. I am murali from blore..

in my company this way to we write descriptive

if u have an internet and qtp 8.2 or 9 run the below script
in ur machine..

Browser("title:=Welcome to Gmail").Page("title:=Welcome to
("type:=text","name:=Email").Set "prasanna.sabat"
Browser("title:=Welcome to Gmail").Page("title:=Welcome to
("type:=password","name:=passwd").set "urpwd"
Browser("title:=Welcome to Gmail").Page("title:=Welcome to
Gmail").WebButton("type:=submit","name:=Sign in").click

did u understand the abvoe code...?

otherwise call to me..


Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 1 No

Question { TCS, 6451 }

what is the Descriptive Progarmming? how it is help to
testers in QTP?


without using object repository...we can able to run the
scripts using descriptive programming..whenever object
properties are changed,or objects are not recognized
properly..and object repostiroy size will increase..that's
the reason we write descriptive programming..just we add
the properties in our scripting..if u want how to write
descritptive progrmming ...then i will explaing later..

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 0 No

Question { ssinformatics, 6480 }

How to give Table check points?


Is there any webtable object in your webpage you can able
to put pagecheckpoint..using standard checkpoint u can
insert table checkpoint in your scripting.put the standard
checkpoint in your application webpage..not only
webpage.any application ..but it must table
object..Example:swftable object for .net ,webtable object
for web.After puting the standard checkpoing on your conformation window will comes regarding the table object in that conformation ok..standard checkpoing properties window
will comes..then select any one or two properties to check..
click ok....

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 0 No

Question { ssinformatics, 6209 }

Describe the process for writing text check point for a web


Text checkpoints are supported for various external
QuickTest Professional add-ins (purchased separately).
Refer to your add-in documentation for details.if u r able
to insert text checkpoint in your like this way

1)launch qtp..and then open web application.this is the
way of process to recognize objects properly.
2)start recording.switch to insert-> checkpoint--
>textcheckpoint.put the hand icon any webedit or textbox
field..capture that value..if u want change ur expected
value change the expectd value in text checkpoint
properties..i think without having seat licence we can't
able to put the text checkpoint..if ur able to do this
above it.

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 0 No

Question { 5529 }

How to enter table check points?


Is there any webtable object in your webpage you can able
to put pagecheckpoint..using standard checkpoint u can
insert table checkpoint in your scripting.put the standard
checkpoint in your application webpage..not only
webpage.any application ..but it must table
object..Example:swftable object for .net ,webtable object
for web.After puting the standard checkpoing on your conformation window will comes regarding the table object in that conformation ok..standard checkpoing properties window
will comes..then select any one or two properties to check..
click ok....

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 1 No

Question { 5437 }

We are using the QTP version 9.0 where we want to call
objects from global repository for a particular function
at runtime for increasing the performance of framework.We
are actually looking for loading the objects under test
(OAT) dynamically when script runs and would like to unload
the same once the execution of the script is completed.


Hai..using Object Repository Manager u can open ur global
repository that Object Repository Manager under
the tool menu merge object repository option is
available..using that merge object repositoy tool u can
mege all the object repository files..then save it as
global repository file..

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

Question { 5437 }

We are using the QTP version 9.0 where we want to call
objects from global repository for a particular function
at runtime for increasing the performance of framework.We
are actually looking for loading the objects under test
(OAT) dynamically when script runs and would like to unload
the same once the execution of the script is completed.


it's not possible to load particular objects in a object
repository file..if u want increasing the performance of
framework...then write descriptive programming.through
script you can load the object reposiotry..but u can't load
particular objects in that object repository file..if i am
wrong ..then tell me the

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 1 No

Question { Verizon, 5229 }

What type of error u will get if u have not installed java
add in in java project? what is the error name ?


I think no error will come..when u r try to recording the
java application ..its recognizes default standard windows
objects..if u have a java addin its recognizes java javaedit..etc...otherwise it recognizes

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 0 No

Question { Ordain Solutions, 9437 }

what is the framework followed by ur company in qtp


framework is like a folder architecture.make it one folder
for one project.In that folder so many subfolders are scripts for one folder,object repository for
one folder,functions for one folder,test data for one
folder,test results for one folder,Recovery senarios for
one folder.

Script folder contains ---------> .MTS files
OR folder contains ------> .TSR or .BDB or .MTS
Function folder contains -------> .VBS or .TXT files
Test Data folder contains -------> .XLS or .XML or .TXT
Test Result folder contains --------> .XML or .XLS files
Recovery Folder contains --------> .QRS files

The above all extensions of the appropriate
files..all project related files put in one

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 2 No

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