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Questions / { manoj }
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Answers / { manoj }

Question { NASA, 5018 }

Whow works the jet engine plz explain????????????


If you were in a pool what would you do for swimming?
In the same way a jet engine will displace the air particles
beyond it by accelerating them. This will make the engine to
produce thrust.

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Question { 4955 }

how the shockwave produced in aerofoil,and actually what
happen that region? i want deep explaination


Actually not only in aerofoil even in engines, nose of the
a/c, and etc. This is coz when the speed of the a/c exceeds
the speed of sound then the air particles beyond the
aircraft will not get any info what is coming at it. So it
will collide on the a/c so the pressure of the air particle
beyond that A/c increases. So the speed of the a/c will be

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Question { 9319 }

a man is deaf,dumb,blind and an illiterate.a girl loves him
very much.she wants to xpress her love to she will
xpress her love?


By giving him her eyes

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Question { HAL, 10718 }

what is the differnce b/w aerodynamic balancing & mass


A simple for this is a ceiling fan. A fan will work
efficiently, when it is balanced in mass and
aerodynamically. That mean the wings of the fan should be
balanced so that the total weight is equally divided, and
for AD balancing ther wont be any unbalancing while the fan
rotates due to its AOA(Angle at which it is fixed or angle
of attack).

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Question { 6811 }

what is the difference between stress and pressure?


I give you a simple example for this, If you blow a balloon
air that is inside. the balloon exerts a force on the
balloon (this force per unit normal area is pressure), Due
to this force an internal reactional or resistant force will
be created (this force per unit normal area is stress).

Pressure is a scalar while stress is a tensor quantity.
COZ, pressure only has magnitude and acts always towards a
surface, and stress could act in either way, and it also
gives the plane, in which it acts (That is why it is a tensor).

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Question { Boeing, 11079 }

what is yawing motion??


Its one of the motions, that can be done by an aircraft with
the use of rudders, to produce a moment about the normal, or
vertical axis of an aircraft.

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