sha mohamed

{ City } bangalore
< Country > india
* Profession * system test engineer
User No # 82991
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Questions / { sha mohamed }
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How did you resolve conflicts present in Object Repository?

QTP 1626

Tell me one scenario, the complex functionality you have automated in your project?

QTP 1487

Excel sheet having some datas and some datas present in the application (in table). How will you compare these two datas? Write code to fetch datas from Excel sheet.

QTP 1509

How many test scenarios you have automated? How many time it will take to execute 30-40 scenarios? What SDLC model you are following? How often you will execute your test scripts? Because of some changes, your test scripts failed? When you will update your test scripts? How much time it will take to update? Do you know how to connect database? Do you know the direct method to count no. of records (or) rows present in record set once query is executed? How will you create the connection string? How did you resolve conflicts present in Object Repository? How good you are in VB? How will you work on Excel Application? How will you select Excel sheet? If you want to select 10 sheets, will you create 10 separate objects? Given string is “abcd”. What are the methods you will use to display “dcba”? Drives script – explain the frameworks? How you are updating results for each test? What is start up, configuration, navigation scripts? If you are not able to understand the application (some module), who will teach you? What test cases to be automated? When to be automated? What is the testing process you are following? What life cycle you are following? When you will use Descriptive Programming? Do you have the permission to add objects into shared object repository? (OR) someone will maintain SOR? Do you know how to add objects into shared object repository? How many test cases you have automated? How much time will it take to execute? What is complex in automation? When you feel automation is complex? Tell me one scenario, the complex functionality you have automated in your project? Excel sheet having some datas and some datas present in the application (in table). How will you compare these two datas? Write code to fetch datas from Excel sheet. Rate yourself in SQL? Display the employee name who is getting maximum salary? sal ID Salary name 001 100 002 500 003 300 ID 001 002 003 Ename A B C Have you written any test cases while you are in Automation? Manual Testing also will you do or you will work only in automation?

QTP 2231

How to Pass Multiple values in functions by using vb script? Function value(arg1,arg2) N1=arg1+arg2 N2=arg1-agr2 N3=arg1*agr2 N4=arg1/arg2 Value= How to pass ? End Function


3 VB Script 5859

sunday is sunday monday tuesday wendesday sunday thursday friday saturday sunday sunday how to count no of sunday in the text file from vb? Answer me asap

4 VB Script 5516

* ** *** Please write a code to get output like above diagram? ple explain as it how the code works?

2 VB Script 3617

Hi friends I need to know about jubula automation tool. Is anybody know in bangalore where jubula tanning class is going on do let me know. Its urgent for me to learn that tool please help.

QTP 2906

Answers / { sha mohamed }

Question { TCS, 15302 }

Tell about yourself?


Tell your Name ******
Tell abt your qualification stream year of passing
Tell from where u r started u r carrer
Tell where u r currently working
Tell your Roles n Respon
Tell your Current Project and Tell on which module u r working

Is i m wrong sorry

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 0 No

Question { TCS, 13323 }

How can we export test results to an excel sheet in QTP???
Can any one provide sample coding for this?????


The above answers are incorrect
While answering please write full Syntax

Syntax : Datatable.Export "PathofFile",destinationsheetname

Example : Datatable.Export "F:\test.xls",Global
Datatable.Export "F:\test.xls",Action1

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 2 No

Question { 15018 }

Pls explain me the difference between ........
Description.Create and CreateObject


can u pls tell me when we write description. automatically create coming how its cming and y its coming?

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 0 No

Question { Semantic Space, 5593 }

i have opend 2 gmails i am working with 1 gmail i want to
close other gmail by usig script.

2.i have 10 links in a page all of them have same
properties& names i want to click on 5link by using script.

3.i have one combobox in that i want to see all the
citynames in the combobox and i have to check weather
hyderabad is present or not.

4. size of objectrepository.
5.what r problems we get during writing the script. it possible to compare to excel sheets in qtp if
possible wht is the script.
7.example for lowlevelrecording


2. set Odesc=description.create
set bro=Browser().Page().childobjects(Odesc)
for i=1 to 5
3. item=bro().Page().getroproperty("all items")
for i= 1 to ubound(arr)
if arr(i)="Hyderabad" then
reporter.reportevent micPass,Hyderabad,present
4. Depends on the machine
5. Object properties will get change,Identifying the propery values etc
6.DataTable.Importsheet "path of excel file"sourcesheetname,Destination sheetname(global)
External sheet is in Global sheet and which u want to compare keep in action sheet then write if condition and check if get match with both global n action make it pass...

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 0 No

Question { 22402 }

What is the difference between Image Checkpoint and Bitmap


bitmap check point is checking a particular area or part of an image..whereas image check point point is checking the entire window of the image...

For Bit map Chkpoint we need not have any image, It goes by the screen area.

But for image chk point we need to have an image

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 1 No

Question { 4370 }

Is it possible to change the name of a test object. I mean
when we are recording the script for an object (for Ex:
Username is a text field which has value "Babu",i am
recording that). Then the Name of the object will become
"Babu" in object repository. If i want to change "babu" as
"xxxxx" .. is it possible to do?

Pls help me in this .. if you didn't understand the
question, pls let me know.


Dialog("Login").WinEdit("User Name:").Set "babu"

In expert view
No need to change anything in OR. U can change "babu" as "XXXX" and run it will run in u r text field as XXXX instead babu.
In KeyWord View
go to keyword view in Value column select value configuration button in constant babu will be there erase it and type XXXX and then run it, it ll run as in edit field as XXXX..

Hope u Understood....

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 0 No

Question { 8818 }

Write VB script to convert from feet to inches(hint 1feet=12


function feet(x)

Res= x*Inch
msgbox x&"Feet"& "="& Res & "Inches"
end function

call feet(2)
Just change instead of 2 any number it ll calu and give u in inches
Hope i answered your question

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 2 No

Question { 6194 }

what is the extension of new local object repository?


LOcal OR is with extn of .BDB and Shared OR is .TSR

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Question { 3082 }

I want to go for the ISTQB testing?? Please anyone tell me
details for this???


Qspider in old airport road, bangalore

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Question { Ness Technologies, 6699 }

Write a Fucntion to close all Opened browser expect desired


Thanks sojan

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