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Answers / { pranav }

Question { US Consulate, 11851 }

wat u r doing all these time(for one year)


dude dont say tht u were preparing gre n
applyin for college it mention negative thing ab u
its ok if u mention it
but to make u look more desrving candidate u shd say
tht i was workin with this company as this n
managin all the procedure for gre exam n applyin
for universities which will focus tht u r good
for mamangin time
its easy to have job xperince certificate

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 2 No

Question { 4727 }

if any one is married &want to go for study in us then for
what type of visa we can apply


simple dude u wana go for study so u ask for studnet
n if u fiance or spouse or whateven wants to coem
with u on ur grantin visa ask for dependent visa

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 0 No

Question { Visa, 14054 }

In the interview on asking about the number of backlogs i
have lied and the visa officer came to know that i have
lied and he has rejected my visa for the 1st time and now
if i go for the 2nd time plz tell me wht should i say that
for what reason i was rejected last time.


agree with previous ans
this is negative kind of question
to be on safe side make the ans shortend but fLse
leading but not more specific
u can say tht interviewin officer wasnt satisfiend
with my current curriculam
dont mention tht backlogs
by this ans ur not lieing n not hiding we have to
speak like tht beacuse sometimes they do add
[erticular note if u r rejected bcz of tht
but i dont think for u case it was enterd n it
was done only on xtreme case

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 2 No

Question { US Consulate, 53100 }

I have got my visa rejected for fake documents. In a sense,
the money was removed from the account by the consultancy
people whom I approached for visa on the interview day. Is
there any possibility of getting visa now ? How should I
defend myself if visa officer says mine r fake documents
again ?


dont panic my frnd
hope for the best
ok not more details availbale which i want to ans
but will ans u by asuming it

i asssume tht u have confess tht its fake
document in front of u s consul officer

now for this time plz ask consultancy to remain
money in ur account for ur visa date n after 2 more
days if u r in positive scanrio
question : mr xyz our system suggest me not to giveu
visa based on fake document presnted by u last time ,
tell me how can i trust u this time ?
its win win question for u if u havent repeated lasgt
mistake again
ans shd be : yes i admited last time about my fake
document , i was caught last time on wrong consultancy
which lur the student by promising . this time i am the
only one ,i had made mistake in the past and i am wise
man who learns from his n others mistake , so i dont have
daring to repeat tht mistake but have spirit to stand
for visa again because this time i know i dont have
ne fake document ,its all genuine ,if uwana verfiy this
i m not aware of nething
but this is the best thing for u to be out of my wring
if u wana ask me more question ab bank or wana verify
more ba my funds i will consider my self gald n my geniune
efforts has given me some stage to stand in front of u
regardless of my last fake document which was result of
my biggest mistake driven by wrong people

Is This Answer Correct ?    35 Yes 1 No

Question { Infosys, 50058 }

My TOEFL score is low.It is 55 out of 120.I have low marks
in listening.I got admission in MS computer science.Please
give me solid reason for low score in TOEFL.


ok here they had thrown negative question on u
ok previous ans shd be also considerd but ans shd
be in more detail
be talkative but not much use sense when to stop

like u know u got less in toefl ,ok try to say
tht u were unfortunate at tht day by not sayin tht
ans shd be like tht
i have studied thrgh english medium from beginin if
not tell them has gona for this much year for this
college course n has got excellent knowledge
which was spoken by my grades and experince in
corporate world , agreee tht u have achieved less
socre then xpected( dont tell ne fooolish reason like
i was sick i have headach ) but my xcellent gre
score and academic backgrnd speaks it self tht i m a
good achiever ,so not only consider my negatives if u
consider my efforts which i have put thrgh this
countless years ,if u consider tht i will consider tht my
knowledge is being appreciated for more perticular ans in detail
for perticular profile

Is This Answer Correct ?    14 Yes 4 No

Question { 9661 }

hai guys i made appointment on november 23 2oo7 for f-1
visa and i was in ece and now changing to computer what answer must i give when if they asks why
are changing the major?


agree previous ans is also good
but u can also try this 1

i think it will be wrong to mention tht i want able to
of circumstances make me not to take comp courses

say like tht
as per my curriculam of 4 year in ece i had gone
thorugh many computer courses as i have decided from
1st year of college tht i will combine cs n ece
knowledge as it wld be uniqe combination n which will
offer me gr8 advantage in india as very few person have
this kind of unique combination
so try to ans in such question tht officer will ask u
question from ur ans so u r driving him not he is
driving u
here indirectly ur menting ur future plannin tht u r
planin to come to india back with uniqe education
my email is

Is This Answer Correct ?    9 Yes 1 No

Question { 5062 }

hi i have done my engineering now i have applied for mba(in
us) as my tofel score is less so please give me a good
reason to oppose my self in us consultancy...........?


ok here they had thrown negative question on u
ok previous ans shd be also considerd but ans shd
be in more detail
be talkative but not much use sense when to stop

like u know u got less in toefl ,ok try to say
tht u were unfortunate at tht day by not sayin tht
ans shd be like tht
i have studied thrgh english medium from beginin if
not tell them has gona for this much year for this
college course n has got excellent knowledge
which was spoken by my grades and experince in
corporate world , agreee tht u have achieved less
socre then xpected( dont tell ne fooolish reason like
i was sick i have headach ) but my xcellent gre
score and academic backgrnd speaks it self tht i m a
good achiever ,so not only consider my negatives if u
consider my efforts which i have put thrgh this
countless years ,if u consider tht i will consider tht my
knowledge is being appreciated for more perticular ans in detail
for perticular profile

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

Question { KPMG, 6530 }

i just recieved an i-20 form from a 2 year college do you
think i can get a visa with this form


dude i 20 is basic requierment to stant for visa
yes everythign else u satisfy u can get visa easily
i20 is not alone i mean lots of more formalities to be

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

Question { 10939 }

i have applied for the f1 visa i have only bank loan as a
proof of funds can i get a visa or if not what are the
supporting documents i can show? and also my interview date
is on 30 nov 2007 can i postpone this to later date in
december? i have paid visa fees and sevis fees is there any
other fees?


dude its hard to manage ur scenario but wont say
tht there is no hope but it depends how u ans
when we go for visa ,we shd avoid some -ve scanrio
which cld be avoided by us
but u have created negative scanrio for u
dude most of the 40% student take loan for
thier feees
but when we say tht we had take loan ,it creates dbt
in mind of interview officer tht y they had take loan ,
is his parents not earnign engh to pay his fees
if not then y he wana go for study by puting his
family in trbl

try to manage funds from other n dont show loan in
interview but
ur ans to satisfy interview officer shd be :
my dad has businees n he needs personal funds and
he is able to genrate more what we oay for bank
he is a smart businessman he know how to play with
money so he decide to go for loan n i also trust my
dads decission based on his xprerince n capability to
generate more moeny then what we pay for interst rate

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 2 No

Question { TCS, 5270 }

i'm a self-sponser, and i wonder what to say if i'm sked
about how i would support myself, or how did i be able to
support myself?


dude self sponser means u not ur parent or
neelse right
if u r goin for self
thn u shd have stong back grnd for salery n it
returns , tht will only work out dude
if not strong it return thn avoide it
use parents for sponser nothing wrong in tht

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 0 No

Question { US Consulate, 37771 }

will you come back to india when u will come back to india?


ans shd be ofcourse yes
but is shdnt be dirct yes without ne strong
reasoning shd not look like an foolish ,if common its ok
but maintain bodylaungage

ans shd be : after finishing my ms and very usefull
programme offer by us study which is opt optional prog
train , havin xprerince of 1 yr in my feild ,
in india by tht time will be havin this n tht
n every one knows tht now a days india is the
leading economy giant in world so how cld i miss the
oppertunity to be part of it in addition i have family
here ,friends here ,i really like the research n
course indept knowledge provided in tht university
(name),so only knowledge is main factor to drive me
to us education

Is This Answer Correct ?    18 Yes 4 No

Question { US Consulate, 62907 }

what will u do if i reject ur visa?


its normal question which will be faced by many student
so dont panic when u hear this question from interview
maintain ur body laungage which was before the question
n dont be nervous or xcited after tht question
u shd say based on xpreince or study that as per my
achivement i deserve the us visa but incase if luck
dont favour for me , i wont be disappointed and apply for
next time and tell what u will do in that gap like will
give some xam whcih is higher level which will help to
gain my confidence n knowledge so i can catch up my
time which might be wasted if i dont get visa
ans this kind of question with noraml xpression
if any1 wants more perticular ans basned on their profile
do let me knwo ab u
thanx and let me know if u dont agree with u

Is This Answer Correct ?    146 Yes 18 No