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Questions / { v.lokesh }
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Answers / { v.lokesh }

Question { 7531 }

Provide and example that explains difference between
usability and functional defects?


functional defects-means
Take gmail login as expample: If the given details is tat
is user name and password are invalid then login page
should not open because main behaviour of the application
is not working,this is the founctional defect.mainly it
comes under Functional testing

Usability comes under Non-Functional Testing
(characteristics and features),whether the application is
userfriendly,easy to use,understand,operate
example:ATM machine-a normal person can access the
application because it is userfriendly..

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 0 No

Question { 5276 }

What is the V-model?


Basically this model is used to avoid defects r bugs in the
application and cost effective purpose,In this model we
will start the testing from begining of the project like
conducting the reviews on FRS,whether customer given all
requiremnts for developing the application r
not,understanding the system requirementsm i.e from
verfication(review) to validation(executing the code)

verifiaction-business requirements-system requirements-High
level design-low level design-Coding-unit testing-
integration testing-system testing-user acceptance testing-

From system requirements stage we will start testing.
here we can ensure that right product is developed r not
during early stages and at every levels we can find the
defect and fix the defect,and at last the obtained product
is defect free......

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 0 No

Question { 3822 }

HI everyone,
I'm new software testing.I want to learn manual testing.
can any one help me how to practice the manual testing.
I know some basic of manual testing.I want to practice.
Please can any one tell me suggested sites,projects or any
book or any guidence.


first u have to know how to write test cases,then write
some test cases about pen,t-cup,cofee machine,lift.if u
are testing any application,basically concentrate on
functionality of that application then after that go for
Non-functionality testing.if u know all these then try
writing test cases of web based applications like irctc,net
banking application,atm machine opertaion etc....
first write some +ve test case and -ve test cases. above
suggested are some guidance for u.

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 0 No

Question { 4344 }

what is the diff between verification and validation.is
verifiction and validation will takes place in each and
every phase..pls send a clarified answer


verifcation(static testing) means review the customer
requirements during the begining stage i.e FRS to till
project completion we developing the right product r not,if
any any clarifications are required we may clarify from
Project manger(PM).

Validation(dynamic testing) means after deployment
(installing the software) the application is working as per
the customer requiremnts by exectuing the code.

Eg:system testing,unit testing

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 5 No

Question { TCS, 8813 }

what is static and dynamic testing.


static testing means review the requiremnts given by
customer or Business user(BI),here we will only reivew the
FRS and if any data is not filled,we will inform to the
project manger,then project manger will inform to the BI to
give the data(without executing the code)

Dynamic Testing means by executing the code(after the
coding is done) whether the application is working
correctly or not as per the customer requiremnts.

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 7 No