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Questions / { umair }
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What happens if the secondary of the transformer is shorted?

2 Electrical Engineering 9011

Why do we use diesal engine for heavy machinery and not petrol?

11 Mechanical Engineering 14181

why do we use bundle conductors instead of using single conductor of larger size for high voltage transmission?

7 Electrical Engineering 19545

In synchronous generators field is rotor and armature is stator.Can we take the output at the rotor in case of synchronous generator by the dc excitation on the stator?

2 Electrical Engineering 4377

What would be the steps and parameters in case if a fault occurs in transmission line at a distance far from the generating station?

Electrical Engineering 1507

Answers / { umair }

Question { Airtel, 17405 }

What is harmonics. How does it get generated and means to
arrest harmonics


Deviation of an ac signal from pure sinoside causes the
harmonics to exist.They are generated both because of non
linear loads; and generators because of the nonuniform
srator windings and magnetic fields in practical case.
When a sonosidal voltage is applied to a linear load,a
proportional current is also drawn with it.But when it is
applied to a non linear load,it causes the current to vary
disproportionately with the voltage due to which
nonsinosidal waveforms are created containg
distortions,whereby 50/60 hertz frequency contains numerous
waveforms superimposed upon it which are the multiple
frequencies of the normal 50/60 hz sine wave.

Is This Answer Correct ?    11 Yes 2 No

Question { Emerson, 8105 }

What is meaning of Float Charging of Batteries???


float has circuitry to prevent overcharging. It senses when
the battery voltage is at the maximum level and temporarily
shuts off the charge (floats voltage at zero or a very
minimal charge until it senses that the battery output
voltage has fallen, then resumes charging ). It may be kept
connected indefinitely.
A trickle charger, on the other hand, will charge no matter
whether the battery is fully charged or not, so it needs to
be connected and disconnected periodically. If left in place
too long, it will eventually boil the electrolyte out of the
cells or damage the plates.

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Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 2 No

Question { 5001 }

what is the purpose finding power factor?


power factor is actually the measure of the degree to which
a given load matches to that of a pure resistance.
Power factor actually gives the percentage of real power
supplied.If it is .85 it means that a given the supplied
power is 85% useful which is known to be the active and 15%
reactive which is not useful.

Is This Answer Correct ?    9 Yes 1 No

Question { HIL, 12765 }

the question is about buchloz relay
why we called it buchloz relay


Buckles relay is a protection relay used in transformer in
case of abnormal conditions which include the heaing of the
oil and its leakage.

Is This Answer Correct ?    23 Yes 3 No