pradeep sahoo

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Answers / { pradeep sahoo }

Question { nvidia, 26535 }

when a process is created using fork(). what is shared
between parent process and child process.
1.Heap 2. stack 3. shared memory segments 4. I/O handles


this is correct but partially. there is something called COW(copy on write). stack is not copied until one of them(parent or child) tries to write into it. if the child immediately calls exec then there is not need to copy the stack at all. As practically in most of the cases child process does an exec call, this unnecessary copy of huge stack is avoided by delaying it till its written into.

Is This Answer Correct ?    12 Yes 3 No

Question { TCS, 16420 }

write an interactive program to generate the divisors of a
given integer.


same program as above, optimising it a little bit.

int main()
int n,i=1;
printf("Value for n\n");
while(i <= n/2)
if(n%i == 0)


Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 7 No

Question { Verifone, 13668 }

struct ptr
int a;
char b;
int *p;
what is d sizeof structure without using "sizeof" operator??


In Linux, its 12 bytes.
int a ------- 4 bytes
char b ------- 1 byte.
but as the next element is integer, it wont fit in the
remaining 3 bytes left after the "char b" occupies the first byte of the 4 byte chunk. so these 3 bytes wont be used for storing "int *p". these will be padded. next 4 bytes will be used for storing *p.

to prove it.

int size;
size = (&(abc.p) + sizeof(abc.p)) - &abc.a ;
printf("size = %d",size);

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