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Questions / { neela }
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Whats the difference between publish by value and publish by referrence

2 TIBCO 13067

Already the table has some data in it, with the help of ADB we had inserted some data. By seeing the table how can we identify the data inserted by ADB.

3 TIBCO 7224

Answers / { neela }

Question { BirlaSoft, 28714 }

if i give some thousand tests to execute in 2 days what do
u do?


1. We can go for ADhoc/monkey testing.
2. Go to automation testing.
3. we can give first preference for the high priority
cases , then if time is left over we can go for low
priority also.

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 1 No

Question { TCS, 21483 }

how can u do regression testing tell me procedure?


The regression testing is conducted on modified build, as
soon as we get the modified build from the development team
we conduct testing on previously failed test and then passed
tests and then related tests. If any mismatches occur then
we are submitting the bug report to the lead.

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

Question { TCS, 21483 }

how can u do regression testing tell me procedure?


Regression testing is nothing but, retesting the modified
build to estimate the bug fix work and the occurances of
side effects in the build.

First we are conducting test on failed and then passed
tests on modified build and then on related tests.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 0 No

Question { 13224 }

How can you conduct Database testing manually?...


Database testing manually can be conducted by writing
queries etc.,

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 3 No

Question { CTS, 68936 }

what is the difference between error,bug and defect?


When there is a mistake in programming it is a ERROR
The error noticed/found by the tester is a DEFECT
When the defect is agreed by the programmer also then it is
a BUG.

Is This Answer Correct ?    54 Yes 17 No

Question { 10258 }

How do you develop a test plan and schedule? Describe
bottom-up and top-down approaches.


the Test lead is preparing the test plan document and he is
scheduling that means how to test, what to test, who to test
and when to test.
BOTTOM-UP approach is, in this the main module will be under
construction, to conect the main module with submodule we
use a temperory programme called Drivers in the place of
Main module.
TOP-DOWN, in this approach the sub modules will be under
construction to connect this main module to sub modules we
use temperory submodule called Stubs.
By using temperory programmes called Stubs(sub-module),
Drivers(main module) we connect the programmes.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 1 No

Question { Tech Mahindra, 30745 }

wat is build verification testing


Build varification Testing is nothing but Sanity
Testing/level-0 testing/build verification testing etc.,
because this test is the first test which we are conducting
as soon as we get the build from development team. here we
are checking/verifing wether the build is operatable,
understandable,or not and wether the build is stable.
Mainly we are concentrating on wether the build is working
or not and operatable or not etc., means verifying the build.

Is This Answer Correct ?    12 Yes 4 No

Question { Fidelity, 122581 }

Explain the STLC?


STLC means Software Test life cycle, it starts with
Test Initiation
Testplan preparation
Test design
Test Execution------------>Test Report
Test Closure

Is This Answer Correct ?    30 Yes 20 No

Question { 7149 }

What is meant by buddy testing?


It is a type of ad-hoc testing, due to lack of time the
programmer and the tester sit together and conduct the test
as soon as the coding is finished.I helps to save the time
and the error occurance also will be very less.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 0 No

Question { 4673 }

what is volume,stress,load testing ?


we conduct testing on web, under customer expected
configuration to the maximum till where the application
loses the capacity of load is LOAD TESTING

we conduct testing on low to peak level of configuration by
giving load is STRESS TESTING

VOLUME TESTING is nothing but checking the storage of
records/data to which maximum level the application can
store the data.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 0 No

Question { 5194 }

where we are going to write the descriptive programming.for
example we are invoking qtp application where we are going
to write that code


in Expert view

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 1 No

Question { Wipro, 34035 }

What is File adapter,ADB Adapter in tibco?
DIff BW Them


ADB adapter is used to transfer bulk of data from the
application or Database to other Database.
while configuring the ADB the PublicationService has
P_table in which the source table modified data is
triggered and this is polled into the messaging layer. From
the messaging layer the Subscriptionservice pulls the data
and stores into the target table. And now the data stored
can be accessed by different applications.
When bulk transformation of data is required we go
for ADB.

Is This Answer Correct ?    48 Yes 5 No

Question { IBM, 13366 }

If there are two sub processes then how can we call at a
time one sub process dyanmiccally by using call porcess?


In call process we have process name dynamic override, this
helps us to call the specific process while running.
For ex: we have 2 sub processes in which while running
based on some condition we are calling a single sub
process. If else Condition can be given for Dynamic
overriding. etc.,But here both the sub process should have
the same input,output and error schema.

Is This Answer Correct ?    9 Yes 0 No

Question { IBM, 14782 }

By using whic BW palette we can create DB table?


SQL Direct of JDBC palette

Is This Answer Correct ?    21 Yes 0 No

Question { Accenture, 26143 }

wht is a spawn in call process ?


when we check the spawn in call process the call processand
the main process which is calling the call process runs as
separate threads.

Is This Answer Correct ?    50 Yes 2 No