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Questions / { yogeshbhadane }
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Answers / { yogeshbhadane }

Question { Mindteck, 52453 }

what is the difference between test case and test
scenario.Explain with example?


test scenario is a collection of testcases related to
eachother. the output of 1 test case is the input for
another test case.ITs a story to be completed.
for eg:- buying a book on a shoping cart website.

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 11 No

Question { 5016 }

you r a tester having good knowledge of coding.now in ur
company developers are having some problem in coding will u
(tester) help them.


A tester having programming knowledge is always an added
advantage for the organization.
Helping developers to find solution will always be good if
I can manage my time to complete my other task.
If my roles are to assist development team, like some
organization hire skilled testers for unit testing and
debugging then its my job to do.
Helping can be done only from backseact but not actually
sitting and doing coding.

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 0 No

Question { AZTEC, 10561 }

What do u do if the bug that u found is not accepted by the
developer and hez saying its not reproducable.Note:The
developer is in the onsite location


Imp things to be considered.
1.Tester Needs to report his bug by giving the exact steps
that he followed.( eg. for a website which browser was used
is also imp with the speed of internet)
2. The description shud be in present tense.
3. images of bug shud be present as a proof with proper
marking with arrows and hilglihters.
4.Ask the developer what steps he followed to reproduce the
Reason for not reproducing a bug might be varios
1. the bug got fixed due to fix of another bug.
2. dev is not following the same steps to reproduce it.
I will have a official coversation with the developer
onsite where i will involve my colleague or TL in this
call, and i will explain the entir scenario.

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 0 No

Question { TCS, 11546 }

what are the Test Cases for " Test Cases " ?


1.To write a testcase there shud be some specification or
if no document is available then there shud be some source
where the functional knowlegde can be gathered(
person,developer etc)
2. Some source using which test data can be generated.

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 3 No

Question { HP, 38343 }

wirte the test cases for triangle by using testing


Which technique to be used dont know.
but cases are.
1> min and max number of sides = 3
2> sum of angles between sides = 180
3> shud have min and max 3 intersection points
4> no line overlapping each other.
IF type of triangle is to tested
1> all sides shud be same in length for equilateral
2> only 2 sides shud be same for isosales triangle
3> if 1 angle is 90' then it is right angled.

Is This Answer Correct ?    10 Yes 4 No

Question { Cisco, 12638 }

What is a Recovery Testing


There is Server A and Server B
both share and handle 50% / 50% load.
If server B crashes due some reason, then Server B shud be
in position to handle 100% load and shud be able to perform
equally well.
After the Server A is back in game then the load is again
divided into 50%

correct me if i am wrong.

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 2 No

Question { TCS, 11092 }

how will we know test cases are written by us are correct


by refering the Requirement speciafication / use case design

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 0 No

Question { IBM, 28981 }

testcases for biggest of three numbers?plz give the answer


test cases for biggest 3 numbers
1> 999 = valid
2> 9999 = invalid
3> 99 = invalid
4> 009 = invalid ( as it is same as 9)
5> space = invalid
6> alphabets / special characters = invalid
7> negative number = invalid
8> decimals = invalid

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 15 No

Question { 9767 }

difference between bug reporting and bg tracking


Bug tracking = I found a bug in 1 functionality. I am
writing in a bug sheet document which i maint for all the
bugs for that particular test script .
Bug reporting = I am assigning bug to a developer who will
fix it.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 2 No