saurabh makkar

{ City } faridabad
< Country > india
* Profession * system engineer
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Answers / { saurabh makkar }

Question { 19391 }

how u use the iptable firewall to restrict ssh,telnet,ftp


iptables -A INPUT -s want to block the services> -p tcp --dport <22> -j

For Telnet
iptables -A INPUT -s want to block the services> -p tcp --dport <23> -j

iptables -A INPUT -s want to block the services> -p tcp --dport <21> -j

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 0 No

Question { Bayer, 55755 }

What is the difference between Telnet and SSH?


Telnet:- Telent is a service, which works on Port 23.
Telnet and FTP both we use to access the Server or
Transferred the between Server to Server and Client to
Server. But Telnet is not secure because at Time Data
Transferred, The data Transferred in ASCII form, any Hacker
can read it and Understand easily. But as per Network
Security its Prohibited.

SSH:- As per Name SSH is Secure Shell. SSH works on port
22. SSH is the new resarch on FTP and Telnet. Purpose of
SSH is same as TELNET & FTP. But in SSH data transferred in
Encrypted mode. Encrypted means no body can ENCODE &
DECODE. If any Hacker try to hack the Data at time data
transferred through SSH, cannot ENCODE and DECODE due to
the Encryption Advantage of SSH Services.

Is This Answer Correct ?    34 Yes 1 No

Question { 5618 }

Friends, I don't have enough free space in root
directory. but in home directory I have 40gb free. So I can
not install anything in root directory (which occupies more
space) Please suggest me If there is any possibility to
increase the root directory size by minimising the home


If your root partition is on LVM then you can increase the size of your root directory by

#lvextend - L +size in MB/GB -n /dev/vg/lv

Otherwise U can't do any thing with root partition

Is This Answer Correct ?    10 Yes 1 No

Question { 37774 }

what is the difference between samba and ftp server in linux?
please mention as many as differneces?


Samba Server:- Samba is the application or u can say that
utility of Linux. With Samba you can share a Linux
directory and access it from Windows Machine. I mean to say
after configuration of Samba Server we can commounicate
(share and access) between Linux and Windows OS. In Samba
server we can also shared a Printer. We need a user name
and password i.e its a authentication process.

FTP Server:- FTP means File Transfer Protocol. FTP works on
port 21. Its an unauthentication process for ANONYMOUS
user. With ANONYMOUS user you can view the file bydefault.

Is This Answer Correct ?    19 Yes 4 No

Question { Google, 9600 }

Can anybody tell me the step by step how to install raid-5


Hi for creating Raid5, first u need to create a 3
Partitions. Because 3 partitions is required for
implementing Raid5.

Step1:- Creating partions, so the command is

#fdisk /dev/hda or #fdisk /dev/sda

where hda = If HDD is IDE, sda = If HDD is SATA.

with the help of above command we create 3 partitions.

Step2:- To add above 3 partitions for activate RAID5

#mdadm -C /dev/md0 -n 3 -l 5 /dev/sda{10,11,12}
#mdadm -C /dev/md0 -n 3 -l 5 /dev/hda{10,11,12}

Where C= for Create
10,11,12 = Partition ID

Step3:- Format the raid or Multiple Devices

#mkfs.ext3 /dev/md0

Step4:- After formatting craete a Directory where you want
mount to above Multiple partitions

#mkdir /storage
#mount /dev/md0 /storage

Is This Answer Correct ?    12 Yes 1 No