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Questions / { sanu }
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Answers / { sanu }

Question { AppLabs, 15797 }

What is your favourite Bug?


I think u r wrong Muthu...

In the windows explorer, by default all the buttens are enabled.

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Question { 5253 }

Hi All,

I'm Akshaya here, could anybody please help me regarding
how to import the excel sheet to run time datatable. But
Pl. keep it in your knowledge is that excel sheet is opened.


Akshaya Madali


It is not possible to import one excel sheet when it is
open. u should close it b4 try to do the same.

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 0 No

Question { Infotech, 4686 }

1. Pls can anyone give me the descriptive programing
script to find the number of edit boxes in a login window
in flights reservation (windows application only not web).
2. Using descriptive programing, how do you handle
changing URLs. Pls anyone, very urgent


Try this...

Set obj_edit = description.Create
obj_edit("nativeclass").value = "Edit"
Set EditDesc = dialog("Login").ChildObjects(obj_edit)

msgbox "Number of Edit Fields : "& EditDesc.count

For i = 0 to EditDesc.count - 1
EditDesc1 = (EditDesc(i).getROProperty("Attached Text"))
msgbox EditDesc1


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