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Question { 7856 }

The word ?Fascism? was derived from which term


The word "fascism" is derived from the italian word fascio
which means a bundle of axe. During ancient roman period,
the bundle of axes was used as a signia/symbol of the might
and glory of the royal dynasty in power thereby reflecting
the ideas of unity, strength and greatness.

These three things were severly missing in the political
scenario of Italy between the two world wars and the people
desperately wanted a government that could restore unity of
Italy through a strong and stablegovernment. This is
precisely why, Mussolini chose fascist as the name of his
party and got overwhelming support from the masses.

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 0 No

Question { 6285 }

Where the largest number of Harappan sites discovered in


The maximum number of sites belonging to the Indus valley
civilization have been discovered along the Ghaggar-Hakra
river system.

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

Question { 4899 }

What are knows as ?Four Great Signs? which affected the
life of Siddhartha


The four great signs are :

1. An old man suffering due to infirmity and decreptitude.
2. A man lying on road, covered with boils on his entire
body and shivering due to high fever.
3. The relatives/family of a person, mourning his death.
4. A wandering monk who had renounced all worldly things and
was happy.

These four symbols created emotional turbulence within
Buddha and motivated him to give up the worldy life and take
up asceticism.

The morale of this entire incident was that, in life nothing
is permanent and that all living things are temporary. So
rather than living a life which will eventually cease to
exist, one should devote his/her time in finding ways to
attain nirvana (salvation) and ultimately arhat nirvana
(final blowing out) and ensure that one breaks away from the
recurring cycle of birth/death.

The four noble truths were propounded by Buddha on the basis
of these "four great signs" only which says that :

1.There is suffering in this world
2.This suffering has a cause
3.The cause is desire.
4.This desire can be ended and the means to end it is the
"Eight fold path".

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 1 No

Question { 17120 }

What are the results of Kalinga war


The magnitude of destruction in terms of life and property
filled Asoka's heart with remorse. The grief that he saw in
the eyes of the victims/survivors of Kalinga war and the
wails of mourning that filled up the entire atmosphere
struck a radical change in Asoka's outlook. He sheathed his
sword for good and eschewed the poliy of digvijaya (victory
by war) and adopted that of dharmavijaya (victory by
religion). This was the turning point in Asoka's life which
completely transformed him, Thereafter, he set out on his
journey of spreading the message of Buddha through dharma
and initiated the process of erecting the rock edicts which
mentioned all of his activities towards this end.

Is This Answer Correct ?    9 Yes 21 No

Question { 3809 }

Which building of Mauryan?s was appreciated by Megasthenes
as ?more magnificent than the palaces of Susa and Ecbatana?


Its the Nalanda University

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 3 No

Question { 4700 }

the king sri krishnadeveraya belonged to which dynasty?


Tuluva dynasty

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 1 No

Question { Infosys, 31912 }

in the vedic period 'goghna' refers to ......


The literal meaning of the term "Goghna" is cow-killer and
in vedic age, a guest was referred to as goghna since he/she
was served with beef for meal. Hence, the origin of the word

Is This Answer Correct ?    82 Yes 12 No

Question { 4503 }

Which Is The Largest Contributor In Terms Of Revenue After
The Excise Duty, to the government


Excise is followed by custom duty in terms of contribution
to government revenue. Corporation tax is after custom duty.

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 0 No

Question { 3921 }

prsently who is the chairman of planning commission with


The Prime Minister is always the chairman of the planning
commission. Presently it is Dr. Manmohan Singh. The Deputy
Chairman is Montek Singh Ahluwalia.

Is This Answer Correct ?    18 Yes 1 No

Question { 3949 }

who is the chair man of public accounts committee?
who is the chair man of yojana commission?
who is the chair man of finance commission?


Chairman of PAC - V.K Malhotra of BJP

Chairman of Yojana (planning) commission - Dr. Manmohan
Singh (The PM is always the chairman of the PC)

Chairman of finance commission - Vijay Kelkar is heading the
XIII finance commission. The XII finance commission was
headed by Dr. C Rangarajan

Is This Answer Correct ?    19 Yes 2 No

Question { 8284 }

What does the B.K Chaturvedi Commission deal with ?


Prices in oil sector

Is This Answer Correct ?    28 Yes 6 No

Question { 6078 }

What is WiMAX associated with ?


Communication technology. It is the latest technology for
enabling high speed wifi internet.

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 1 No

Question { 5246 }

What is an Indian flying fox ?



Is This Answer Correct ?    17 Yes 1 No

Question { UPSC, 6066 }

Which emperor gave permission to the English to set up a
factory in Surat ?



Is This Answer Correct ?    22 Yes 1 No

Question { 5384 }

Which organization conducted an experiment of colliding
atomic particles at very high speed ?


European organization of nuclear research. It was the Large
Hadron Collider experiment which demonstrated the conditions
that existed immediately after the Big Bang.

Is This Answer Correct ?    9 Yes 0 No

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