Question { Accenture, 86700 }
What is field status group, what does it control?
Let us begin at the beginning.
Every BOX you see on your screen is a FIELD.
The STATUS of each such field can be one of the following:
1. Fields in which you MUST enter some data (usually you
see a tick mark in such fields). field status = REQUIRED
2. Fields in which you may or may not enter data. field
status = OPTIONAL
3. Fields which you can see some information already filled
up BUT you cannot enter anything nor change existing
information. field status = DISPLAY
4. Fields which may or not contain some information but
remain HIDDEN ( You may not be able to see the Field at all
on your screen ) field status = SUPPRESSED
You ,AS A CONSULTANT, can set up one of the field statusus
for EACH END USED based on his job requirement/ security
authorization allowed to him.
FIELD STATUS GROUP is a collection of all such fields
bundled up together as a group.
Field Status setting can be
1. at the MASTER LEVEL ( while creating, changing and
displaying Master data- Some end users are empowered to
handle master data only) and also. The priority of Field
that order.
2. at the TRANSACTION LEVEL ( while posting transactions -
some end users are empowered to post transactions only)
At the Master level, Field Status is set within the ACCOUNT
GROUP ( double click on the account group and you will see
for yourself). This level can be overridden by setting the
field status for the same field in the SCREEN LAY OUT
ACTIVITY. Both the statusus set are compared and the
priority rule of S D R O is applied for determining how the
field should be on the enduser's screen.
At the transaction level, Field Status is set through the
FIELD STATUS GROUP in the related MASTER RECORD and also in
the Posting Keys in the transaction. A similar comparison
of field statusus of a given field is made by SAP and the
priority rule of S R O applies for final determination of
how the field should behave on the enduser's screen. Please
note that there is no DISPLAY field status at the
transaction level.
As regards FIELD STATUS GROUP ( earlier I told you that a
field status group is a bundle of fields with preset field
statusus). The FIELD STATUS GROUP is Mapped to a variant
called Field Status variant ( which is just but a name) .
The Field Status variant is assigned to your company code.
By doing so and by capturing the Field Status Group in the
master record, you set one part of the field status for
your transactions. The other part for the field status is
set in the posting keys.
Hope you are kind of clear. Experiment for yourself and see
how a given field appears on your screen. You will get a
better idea.