mallikarjuna rao g.v

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Answers / { mallikarjuna rao g.v }

Question { Wipro, 14062 }

how to trasfert script from one server to another server or
one clint to another clint


Run the program RSTXSCRP for Transferring the script from
one server to another server.

This is correct.

The first answer is might be wrong.
SE71 screen ,click on UTILITIES -----> COPY FROM CLIENT is
used for to import the Standard scripts into user defined one.
Eg. MEDRUCK is imported to user one as ZMEDRUCK.

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 1 No

Question { Wipro, 13865 }

how many index created for table


1(one) Primary index is created by the system for every table.

but we can create Secondary Indexes maximum of 15(Fifteen)

This is absolutely correct. If any body wants to verify this
answer ,plz refer ABAP 21 Days book. In that book everything
is cleared.


Is This Answer Correct ?    12 Yes 5 No

Question { IBM, 10816 }



Hi ,
In SAP ABAP, 3Editors are using
ABAP Editor-SE38,
which is used for developing ABAP programs.

Script Editor- SE71,
which is used for Script Control commands,Text elements.

Screen Editor-SE51,
Which is used to develop PAI and PBO events in Modulepool

Is This Answer Correct ?    15 Yes 1 No

Question { 5083 }

wat is the significance of keyword " LIKE ".


LIKE is used to refer the existing DataObjects
TYPE is used to refer the existing DataTypes

Example for TYPE and LIKE

Data: Num type I.
Here Type is to refer the existing DataType I.

Data: Price Like Num.
Here Like is used to refer existing DataObject Num.

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 1 No

Question { 6227 }

What is the significance of keyword " H I D E"


it temporarily stores the content of click field. this is
the main purpose. it is used in interactive reports only.
it is mandatory to write hide statement after the first
statement of basic list

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

Question { 53665 }

What are the function module types


I can't understand ur question. but in abap many number of
function modules are available.all these function modules
are grouped together into function groups.

for example: date
for date there are different number of function modules are

i will give a procedure to u, how to see the available
function modules.

1.From the ABAP/4 Development Workbench screen,
choose the menu path Overview -> Repository Information
System. You see the ABAP/4 Repository Information System

2.and expand the tree. it will display modeling, abap
dictionary, programming, program library etc.

3.function library is available under programming tree.
expand that tree. function groups and function modules are
4.just u click on function modules, it display one screen.
enter ur choice there.
for eg, u want date function modules.
just u enter *date* in function module field.
and search it . it display a list of date realated functions.

this is the procedure for searching function modules

Is This Answer Correct ?    9 Yes 33 No

Question { 4692 }

What is the use of " TABLE MANTENANCE ALLOWED " .
And itts transaction code


The main purpose of the table maintenance generator is to
Create/Change/Delete the table entries with out writing any
code. When ever we create table maintenance generator it
will generate a standard program.

Another important thing is when ever u change ur table
structure(Include/delete fields) don't forget to delete and
recreate the table maintenance. Because the structure of the
table was changed. If u try access Table maintenance
generator(SM30) after changing the structure then it will
through u a dump.

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 0 No

Question { NTT Data, 11910 }

what is need of function group for function modules whereas
there is no need of for subroutines?


Hi Friend
Plz go through these 3 points , carefully absorb and it
might be clarified your doubts.

1)Need of function modules is to avoid the lengthy and
faster accessing data,how means,suppose for example: i want
the previous month first day and last day based on Today
date(means day Sunday or Monday or etc)Actually today date
is 19Apr2008,Saturday. I want previous month first day and
last day, ie first day is 1Mar 2008 it is Sunday or Monday
or Tuesday etc and like last date 31Mar 2008 is Monday or
Tuesday etc. Generally you need to write lengthy coding , so
to avoid lengthy coding just u use date function module in
coding and pass the parameters, it will give the out put to
u(just few lines of coding)

2)Function groups means, some related function modules are
grouped in to one function group.
For Example: For date lot of different date function modules
are available in SAP R/3, so these function modules are
grouped in to one Function group.

3)Subroutines are used in only with in the program.
Frequently used part of program is keep in to subroutines.
Globally not available. But where as Function modules are
available in central library of R/3 and global access.

If any doubts plz contact me via mail :

Is This Answer Correct ?    9 Yes 1 No

Question { TCS, 10658 }

What is the role of an abapper in support project?What is
the ticket concept in support project?Who raise the ticket
and who resolve it?Let me know the complete procedure?


In support project, abaper role is to support project. how
means support people will raise tickets(problems occur in
reports etc) and send to abapers with some id. abapers will
do the work. and they contact to support people that id.

In support project there should a SAP Support Team and the
Team members had given an ID , If the user gets any errors
he can issue the tickets to that iD for a particular Consultant.

Is This Answer Correct ?    11 Yes 0 No

Question { TCS, 8070 }

I have modified standard sapscript layout set MEDRUCK.But
could u tell me the procedure to trigger the layout set for




After modification of ur script,u need to configure ur
script with print program.
After modification, u need to go NACE t-code and then select
select output type as EF and then press the outtype button.
and then assign ur script to print program. and then u go
for ME21,ME23 for out put verification

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 2 No

Question { TCS, 10217 }

What is the role of an abapper in developement process?
What is the process of technical specification and how it is
carried out?


Abaper main role is to develop the objects according to
Technical Spec.

Functional people develop the Functional Spec according to
the client requirement. they will send to technical people.
Tech lead is changed the Functional spec to Technical spec
and forward to Abapers. Abapers will develop the objects by
using spec

Is This Answer Correct ?    10 Yes 0 No

Question { Wipro, 13617 }

What is the process of project flow n sap?In context to
project flow what are the role of an abapper?


Project flow contains 5 Phases. These 5 Phases are called
ASAP methodology.
Phase 1: Project Preparation
Phase 2: Business Blueprint
Phase 3: Realization
Phase 4: Final Preparation
Phase 5: Go Live and Support

Plz go through this link for detailed information.

Mainly Abaper is involved in Phase:3.
He/She developing the objects according to Business blue
prints(Tech Spec).

Is This Answer Correct ?    17 Yes 1 No

Question { TCS, 4873 }

How to Create an Interactive List based on the selection
criteria specified for the customer number for displaying
the customer information on the basic list, their
corresponding order details on the secondary list.
Plz specify the coding details.



Hi rahul, i think u r newer and also learning abap.

i am giving the idea to u. u just follow my points.

in selection criteria u use select-options statement
eg: select-options for
here is name of field and
is name of table filed( ur field customer no)

u write a query for basic list in start-of-selection block.
and u must write hide statement after first sql query only.
hide is mainly used to display secondary lists. then u write
write At line-selection event for secondary lists.
in this event u write sy-lsind=1 for first secondary list
and for second secondary list sy-lsind=2. so on. up to u can
write 20 secondary lists, but only one basic list.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 1 No

Question { TCS, 5077 }

How to create Reports with Radio Buttons, which gives sales
information, Delivery information and Billing information.
plz mention the detail coding




see the example

Parameter: sales_information radiobutton group g1.
Delivery_information radiobutton group g1.
Billing_information radiobutton group g1.

u write it for selection criteria.

then u write the event
at selection-screen on radiobutton group.
u write query for each one here.

when u select first one, first query is executed, then
second executed for second etc.

Is This Answer Correct ?    10 Yes 0 No

Question { TCS, 16455 }

What is BDC?


BDCmeans batch communication data. transferring the data
from Legacy system to sap system,means from non sap system
to sap system. it is unidirectional,means uploading the data
from non sap to sap system.Let u know one difference to bdc
and lsmw. lsmw is bi directional, means transferring the
data from non-sap system(legacy) to sap system and sap
system to non sapsystem.but where as in bdc uni directional
In BDC there is 3 types.
Call Transaction-Transferring data to sap system directly.
Session Method-Transferring data to sap system through sessions
Direct Input- directly entering the data.
Mainly Call Transaction and Session Method are important

if any doubts contact me mail,

Is This Answer Correct ?    20 Yes 4 No

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