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Questions / { murthysharma }
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When will we write "use cases"? I mean that before writing test cases or after writing test cases? Please give me reply or send me answer to my mail id '' Thanks in Advance.

4 Manual Testing 6808

what is the role of moderator in testing?

2 Manual Testing 9780

Could any body tell me about 'Defferred test'?,please. when will we use 'Defferred test'? Who will use it?

4 Manual Testing 5406

what is the proper definition of Slippage Ratio? Thanks in Advance. Regards, M.MurthySharma.

4 Manual Testing 6857

if my documents (SRS &FRS) having erros(does not meets) the requirements in that situation,which document i should take to write the testcases?(othere wise which steps i should take? Thanks In Advance

3 Manual Testing 4688

Hello Frnds Could U plz tell me What r the contents present in TEST DIRECTOR(According to the Interview) ???

1 Manual Testing 2989

Hi, this is murthysharma. I need very urgently about some terms which are used in use cases? Plz give reply to me, if any body know, It is really very very urgent. 1. what is the difference between basic flow,exception flow and alternative flow? 2.what are non-functional requirements in use cases? 3.what are exceptions, special requirements, business rules, assumptions, constraints. Kindly give me with the example. Bcoz, I am very new to this use cases. thanks in Advance. Regards, M.MurthySharma


Manual Testing 1538

how many test scripts we will write in qtp? very urgent. please??? Thanks in advance..

Mind Tree,

1 QTP 4185

Can any one explain about state based and graph based testing? and the difference between them? Very urgent.......... Please...... Thanks in Advance......... regards, Murthy.M


1 Manual Testing 7239

Can any one explain me about hybrid integration testing? and what is interface in integration testing? thanks in advance...... regards, MurthySharma.Manchella

Manual Testing 1812

Could any one tell me about 'Deployment Testing'?Who will use this and when? Thanks In advance.......... Regards, MurthySharma.Manchella

2 Manual Testing 4111

What is AUT in object reposity in QTP? Why we use it in Object repository???What is full form???????

6 QTP 37252

Can any one tell me about "Mapping Repository Parameter Values" and why we use it....??How to use it???Please, tell the preconditions also...........???? Thanks in Advance

QTP 1509

What is repository parameters in QTP?how will we define that????what is unmapped & mapped repository parameters????????

1 QTP 10429

Answers / { murthysharma }

Question { 23297 }

what is walk through?


Walkthrough: is an informal review:

we can discuss/raise the issue at peer level say-- fellow

Also walkthrough does not have minutes of the meet. can
happen at any time and conclude just like that, no schedule
as such.

Walkthrough is there for both Testing and Coding.

Walkthrough for testing means brief review of documents,
Testcases, Test script etc.

Walkthrough for Coding means review the coding for whether
the Developer follows the Coding standards or not

Is This Answer Correct ?    9 Yes 2 No

Question { 8711 }

what is meant by port testing?


what ever the answer given by is absolutely
right....that is 100% percent correct.......MurthySharma
hgk Manchella....

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 0 No

Question { Verizon, 20380 }

What is the diffeence between SDLC and STLC?


Hi,pavan kumar.
Your answer is absolutely correct.
I have a doubt.

From which stage, the testing process will start in SDLC.

I mean, In SDLC stage, from which stage the tester cast
his role?

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 0 No

Question { 18936 }

How do we develop test scripts for manual testing?Can
anyone explain me with an example .



what ever sneha told is absolutely correct. there is
nothing to say.....

Test script is the word of automation testing.....

There is no word 'test script' for manual testing.....


Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 1 No

Question { 9964 }

What is a Latent Bug

What is a defect leakage


i have a doubt?
When will the latent bug identified?
who will identify this bug?
What is the difference between latent bug and defect bug?

Thanks in Advance

Best Regards

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 0 No

Question { 14740 }

what is the outcome of testing?



can I know what is layman testing?

plz, give me the answer.

Thanks in Advance

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 0 No

Question { 13074 }

What is defect pooling?


Another simple defect prediction technique is to separate
defect reports into two pools. Call them Pool A and Pool B.
You then track the defects in these two pools separately.
The distinction between the two pools is arbitrary. You
could put all the defects discovered on Mondays,
Wednesdays, and weekends into Pool A, and the rest of the
defects into Pool B. Or you could split your test team down
the middle and put half of their reported defects into one
pool, half into the other. It doesn’t really matter how you
make the division as long as both reporting pools operate
independently and both test the full scope of the product.

Once you create a distinction between the two pools, you
track the number of defects reported in Pool A, the number
in Pool B, and—here’s the important part—the number of
defects that are reported in both Pool A and Pool B. The
number of unique defects reported at any given time is:

DefectsUnique = DefectsA + DefectsB - DefectsA&B

The number of total defects can then be approximated by the
simple formula:

DefectsTotal = ( DefectsA * DefectsB ) / DefectsA&B

If the GigaTron 3.0 project has 400 defects in Pool A, 350
defects in Pool B, and 150 of the defects in both pools,
the number of unique defects detected would be 400 + 350 -
150 = 600. The approximate number of total defects would be
400 * 350 / 150 = 933. This technique suggests that there
are approximately 333 defects yet to be detected (about a
third of the estimated total defects); quality assurance on
this project still has a long way to go.

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 0 No

Question { Mind Tree, 40411 }

how can u put synchronization point in qtp,wat is exactly
synchroniztion why we use it wat is benifit in qtp


Hi, Latin.
I have one more doubt....
what is the main use of using Synchronization?????

We use it for giving waiting time only or any other

Kindly, tell me

Thanks in Advance3

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 4 No

Question { Mind Tree, 40411 }

how can u put synchronization point in qtp,wat is exactly
synchroniztion why we use it wat is benifit in qtp


HI Radhika,
Thanks for ur answer
and i have one more doubt
We have wait option to wait the application right????
Instead of using synchronization, can we use wait

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 2 No

Question { 8706 }

what is difference between report defect and track defect



Can u give me detailed explanation,please?

I could not understand 'Track Defect'.

Plz, explain me?

Thanks in Advance.

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 0 No

Question { 9204 }

hi,I want to learn testing concepts. But, actually, at
least, I don't have basic knowledge about testing. but, my
desire is to learn testing concepts. But, I don't know,
which material is good?And which site is good to learn
testing concepts. Please, could any one help me regarding
this? If any one have good material with you, with out
feel, kindly forward that material to me? Please, do this
help for me.

Thanks in Advance.

my mail id is




Thank u very much.

is it just for reference purpose?

I think, that is like ''

But, really very thanks. You show me a good site.

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 1 No

Question { 6857 }

what is the proper definition of Slippage Ratio?

Thanks in Advance.



Thank u very much Mr.Babu


Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

Question { iSoft, 7984 }

Whether SQL knowledge is Mandatory of Software Testing or
not? Briefly Explain?


I think now a days, it is necessary to learn sql concepts..
NOw a days, most of the companies are asking SQL SERVER

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 1 No