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Questions / { priya }
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what is usecase testing? when it can be applied?

2 Manual Testing 4997

difference between smoke test and sanity test difference between exploratory test and adhoc test

2 Manual Testing 7119

uses of checklist


Manual Testing 1526

entry and exit criteria for each phase in STLC and SDLC


2 Manual Testing 18370

what kind of issues do u think a QA team might face if sw is built incorrectly?


3 QA Concepts 5276

Answers / { priya }

Question { 10768 }

What is meant by bucket testing?


Bucket testing is a methodology for gauging the impact of
different product designs on a Web site's

metrics.The basic premise is to run two simultaneous
versions of a single or set of Web pages in order to

measure the difference in clicks, traffic, transactions,
and more between the two.Bucket testing provided a

great way to send a small amount of traffic (usually less
than 5%) to a different user interface without

negatively impacting the bottom line if our new design had
unintended negative consequences.

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 5 No

Question { Cap Gemini, 12492 }

explain bug cycle



PM analyses

assigned or defer

developer fixes


tester checks

checked - if not satisfied, the tester reopens.

tester closes


Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 1 No

Question { 5077 }

What is the difference between Client server and web based


Client server system refers working with intranet


web based system means working with internet.

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 1 No

Question { 9064 }

Whats the difference between retesting and regression
testing, explain SDLC and STLC, test plan, test case
template, severity and priority, write test scenarios for
login screen, and employee payroll; BVA and EP for a
particular eg.


regression testing can be applied at any level of
testing.These are tests that are run every time a change is
made to the software so that we can find that the change
has not broken or altered any other part of the sw program.

regression testing is an important strategy to reduce the
side effects.

retesting is one in which we test the same piece of sw in
which the changes are made with different values.

SDLC means Software Development Life Cycle
STLC means Software Test Life Cycle. STLC ia a part of SDLC.

test plan details the operational aspects to execute the

A test case is an unique combination of inputs with an
expected output.

test case template consists of TCID, TYPE, DESCRIPTION,

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 1 No