Un-Answered Questions { General Science }

My friend has done the DMLT(Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology)Now she wants to do further education.What should she do? Please Guide which would be best for her


what are advantages of excess populatoin?




any one who has interviewed at noida for SBI clerk i have my interview call on 23.10.2008


Please can someone tell me, how many times during a 12 hour period, do the hands of a clock face opposite each other? I believe its 11. Also, would this be the same, no matter WHAT the starting time? i.e. if the 12 hour period started at 6 o clock, would it still be 11 times? Many thanks for your help.


exactly how does an RTD 3 wire or 4 wire device cancel out the resistance of the wires , opposed to a 2 wire RTD? Is it because you have resistors in parallel , or because something to do with the electronic circuit the RTD is connected to ?


A man is travelling with the speed of 10m/min across the river to the opposite bank.The river water flows at the speed of 1m/s.Since the water flows at the speed higher than the boatsman, he would definitley reach the opposite river bank in a slant path.What is the length of the path he travelled?. The river is 10m wide. Please give me solution to tha above probelm. Thanks in advance


what the defference from anti virus and spyware and adware also? Please descript?


how is rrb model question paper for science junior engineer gr.II


we know in mathematics that a matrix is an arrangement (array) of different elements , memebers . Then, how does the movie "Matrix" relate with this concept. In movie "Matrix" we have seen that it shown a war between machines & humans. And we know to operate machines we need code like 0 1 & 1 0 . How ? explain ?


how longs & what conditions will a matter, say for example U, after an atomic explosion and was converted completely into energy will again condensed back into a matter named U'


what would be the fate of life on earth 10 yrs down the lane.


Name the scientist who has been invited by the Srilankan Governement to have a Study on Employment development?


What is the work of a patent engineer? Does the experience in working as patent engineer helps in finding a job in a refinery?


first aid to person affected with electrical shock