Un-Answered Questions { SAP SD (Sales & Distribution) }

Can anyone please give an example of writing functional specification for a particular situation?If you can't think of it, here is an example : How do we write a functional specification for the FITGAPS raised in the business system? I know a functional spec, is a detailed description. But realtime gurus, pls give a realtime functional spec for such a situation for me to understand more on this.Thanks a bunch in advance!


Hi, i'm a professional from hotel industry and looking forward for a better career in the field of SAP>>SD..as i visited some of the local institues where i was suggested that i too can try for SAP>>SD as my experience is related to FOOD and Beverage dept that sell food and drink and organises party to the customers in the hotel and also have experience in Banquet and conference sales...therefore related to sales...basic reason of changing my field is to earn better salary....can somebody put some suggestions to me on this.Thanx.


monitoring Magic Service help desk for issue posted by the end user on daily basis (2) Analy


Gather Information For better understanding &analyze cases received through LNOB for pirs &ccrs


Trouble4 shooting , handiling issues with different level of priorties


Understanding Clint business process & Relevant Sap Logic Review of Business & Technical Documention


what is solution database and how to intigrate the service order with solution database? what is purpose of t.code IS31? wht is the service manager? waiting for feedback


which screen support consultant uses in support project?


Can any body can give me the example for business scenarios in industry specific solution you work with for sap sd interview bez I just finished the training.


is LE module is better than SD module to get a job in SAP? becouse i think sd consultant are more than LE is it?


Can anyone tell me the link for interview question for SD module. . . As i m fresher so i really need to know what sort of question i will to have face during interviews . . . .


Hi All, I am taking the SAP SD course and need some live case studies for my practice, can any one help me in this regard. You can mail it on my mail id: simkim4u@gmail.com Thanks, Sameer


what is settlement profile...when i m doing varient configuration i am facing this problem while creating sales order plz explain me......


Sir, I'Ve interview with IBM . I want few SAP-SD real time tickets and its solution .Its urgent. Plz help me . thanks in Advance


Sir, I'Ve interview with IBM . I want few SAP-SD real time tickets and its solution . ... E-Mail New Answers Answer Selected Questions Post New SD Question ...