Topic :: Pear

Pear Interview Questions
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Why does sun appear flat during sunrise and sunset?


What seven colors appear to be white when mixed together?


When a green colored object is illuminated by a green light it will appear as what color to the human eye?


I created a user in ad users and computers, but in the exchange system manager it does not appear under mailbox store | mailboxes. What did I do wrong?


I created a secondary public folder hierarchy, but only the original public folder hierarchy appears in outlook.


When iam loging in to my system as a normal user through the telnet I am not able to login, the message appears on the screen is unable to connect the host:the connection is refused. Please tell me the answers as soon aspossible?


Tell me which class make a set of buttons appear vertically stacked rather than horizontally?


Tell me what does pear stands for?


Tell me what is pear?


Mytree appears just fine but why ca not I access the node attributes? : adobe flex action script


When I have only a single record, why does not it appear in my datagrid? : adobe flex action script


When I set visible="false", the component still takes up space and appears in the tab order. Why is that? : adobe flex action script


Why do strongly typed objects appear as "undefined" in the netconnection debugger? : adobe flex action script


How to create a document that will appear on a pal d1 widescreen television broadcasting?


Can beneficiary claim the policy if the insured person is missing or disappeared for several years? : insurance sales


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Un-Answered Questions { Pear }

What should a stenographer do if a witness who is scheduled for a court appearance does not show up to testify?


Do needles appear to be mottled, turning yellow to brown?


Do needles appear to be mottled, turning yellow to brown?


How to Make the drop-down list appear faster?


Bootstrap analysis evaluates evolutionary trees by sampling columns from the original alignment with replacement (multiplying or removing some of them) and computing a proportion of times that a particular branch appears in the resulting trees. What is the main idea behind this approach?


In cleared and stained root material you have seen structures that appear to be empty sacs in the epidermal cells with ostioles that exit to the soil. Which division are these fungi likely to be from?


i am having a report Jan to Dec are the columns if the present month is Mar only Mar to Dec columns should appear in report output


sir, i am serving in indian air force. i have to appear in an personal interview for manager in banks shortly. please provide the ideal answere of the question like introduce your self. and why you want to leave air force and join banking sector. thankyou


What kind of toxic posions are released by the prickly pear cactus's needles?


When usin qtp iam able to get the data from the database only in a single row that is if i have 2 columns in database,when using database output value , all the values in Database are transfered to a single row in QTP datatable. I want the values to appear as it is from the database , can anyone suggest some ideas?


hi all, i had a question, that how to find out hiding a coloumn in a table i had a table having the following column names NAME DESCRIPTION CREATED TIME CREATED USER if i right clicked on a NAME column it will displays a menu having the same column names in a list like NAME DESCRIPTION CREATED TIME CREATED USER with check boxes.if i unched any check box, that column name should not be appear in the main table column names could anyone please solve this problem?


Technical Ability Test: This was difficult. three questions to be attempted in 60 min. The Coplete Technical Paper was as follows: Write the Pseudo code for the following: 1. Wrie a function which returns the most frequent number in a list of integers. Handle the case of more than one number which meets this criterion. public static int[] GetFrequency(int[] list) 2. Counting in Lojban, an artificial language developed over the last fourty years, is easier than in most languages The numbers from zero to nine are: 0 no 1 pa 2 re 3 ci 4 vo 5 mk 6 xa 7 ze 8 bi 9 so Larger numbers are created by gluing the digit togather. For Examle 123 is pareci Write a program that reads in a lojban string(representing a no less than or equal to 1,000,000) and output it in numbers. 3. Where now stands that small knot of villages known as the Endians, a mighty forest once stood. Indeed, legand has it that you could have stoodon the edge of the wood and seen it stretch out for miles, were it not for the trees getting in the way. In one section of the forest, the trees stood in a row and were of hight from 1 to n, each hight occurring once and once only. A tree was only visible if there were no higher trees before it in the row. For example, if the heights were 324165, the only visible trees would have been those of height 3,4 & 6. Write a Program that takes an array of integers representing the heights of the trees in the row as input and prints the list of the visible trees. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////// Ques1: Given an array containing k nos in the range 1..n and another scratch array of size n. Write an program to remove the duplicates from the array. Ques2: Given a table of the form: Product Sold on A 1/1/1980 B 1/1/1980 C 1/1/1980 A 1/1/1980 B 1/1/1980 C 2/1/1980 A 2/1/1980 There are 30 products and 10,000 records of such type. Also the month period during which sales happened is given to u. Write the program to display the result as: Product Month No. of copies A January 12 A February 15 A March 27 B January 54 B February 15 B March 10 C January 37 Ques3: Definition of priority queue was given. We have to implement the priority queue using array of pointers with the priorities given in the range 1..n. The array could be accessed using the variable top. The list corresponding to the array elements contains the items having the priority as the array index. Adding an item would require changing the value of top if it has higher priority than top. Extracting an item would require deleting the first element from the corresponding queue. The following class was given: Ques4: An array of size 5X5 is given to us. The elements from 1 to 25 are to be inserted in the array, such that starting from a particular position for an element i, the next element i+1can be inserted only at the mentioned positions (u,v), and if these all positions are occupied then it returns giving a count of how many positions have been occupied in the array: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////// Example: if the starting element is 1 with the given positions (1,2), then next element 2 can be placed at any one of the positions marked with *. _ _ _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ * _ _ * _ _ _ _ 2. Four questions of programming in c++, questions were:( 1:30 hr) a) Bubble sort through recursion b) Display Pattern: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 … c) Perform the functionality of 2-D array through 1-D array and in it the functions to be performed were: (1) Display the array in 2-D format (2) Display a particular element (3) Display a particular row (4) Display a particular column d) Give an efficient program for string matching like: Text: this is the code in the text which you have to search by code Pattern: Code Count the no. of occurrences of the pattern to be searched //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////// a) suppose u r given a 4*3 rectangle like (take these values from user) Now u have to calculate the no. of squares in this rectangle like: No. of squares of dimension 1 is 12 No. of squares of dimension 2 is 6 No. of squares of dimension 3 is 2 No. of squares of dimension 4 is 0 Total no. of squares are 20. b) Suppose u r given a string. U have to find the occurance of the characters A-Z in that string. Each character must appear in the string and must appear only once. If It that occurs in string more than one time return 1 showing it is a perfect string otherwise return 0 showing it is not a perfect string. c) Suppose u r given 10000 marks. U have to pick up top 20 top marks from them and display it on the screen. (Use the optimal sorting algorithm) d) Suppose u have a chess board. U have to insert 8 queens on the chessboard in the style that the queens don’t intersect in the diagonals, columns and rows. If they intersect return 1 else return 0.(that is no more than one queen should be present either in row or column or diagonals.) If the queen is inserted at a position in the chessboard, its count is 1.


My interview is few days away and am applying for a us student visa. I have completed my high school in 2005 and after that did a one year course of computer till 2006 and after that was helping my parents with there business till 2007 June. I then completed my swift course in NIIT which was a four months course and in midway appeared for the TOEFL exams. If the person asks what was I doing during the free time, please help me out it is the matter of my career. Thanks!


hi, i am appearing in HPCL(CIVIL ENGG.)exam. plz send me placement paper of this exam if u are having


sir,,,, iam appearing in hpcl plz send previous papers to me of hpcl... anant