Topic :: STL

STL Interview Questions
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why mostly conductor made by 7 nos wire?

1 3091

How is Release Management is done in STLC. What are tools can be used for the same.


1 4557

How much costly in percentage wise is sandwich busduct costly than air insulated busduct of any rating?


Hi wht r da questions which are mostly asked in an Accounts related job for freshers?


from where i get mortar pastle for glass bottle crush? it's required for testing of it?


if a error occured in FASTLOAD is the fastload job stops?

CTS, Deloitte,

1 4946

1)why we are using mostly Ultrasonic Flow meters to measure flow, rather than Radar waves? 2)why we are using Ultrasonic waves and Radar waves to measure the Level?


1 3901

Relative Humidity (RH) is mostly used word in Datacenters, What are the defendents of RH


Why we use mostly circular coil in transformer? not square or rectangular type of coil.

4 13612

Which language was mostly used for the propagation of Buddhism in ancient period

3 6422

Why mostly GT(Generating Transformer)has only Ynd1 Vector Group?


1 4305

which phase is most important in STLC phases? and why ?


2 8265

WIKILEAKS, a whistleblower website an international organisation base in a)USA b)UK c)SWEDEN d) NORWAY

High Court,

1 5067

what r the General SHIFTING TIMES for WEB LOGIC ADmin? mostly my frnd said night sifts ? Is it Right?

3 5352

What types of thermocuple are mostly used?

6 8621

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How can we connect defect report from testlab&testplan tabs?


1) Difference between "Delete" and "Concatenate" with reference to databases? 2) Difference between SDLC and STLC. 3) Latest versions of the browsers used. 4) What is URL Tampering? 5) Full form of URL. I don't need the answers. These are just for reference.


what do you understand is the purpose of business objectives and how are these influenced by a study of PESTLE and affected by a consideration of SWOT


Mostly what type of manufactures are coming under TDS and basic rate for each category


Hi All, I have attended for H1B yesterday in chennai consulate. Interviewer was not happy with the project desc and asked for more documents mostly abt company profile and complete desc.she asked me to drop them in the drop box in hyderabad consulate.but she said not to drop the passport. can anyone let me know what happens next. shall i consider it as lost as she didnt asked for passport? or after checking the documents will i be asked to appear again if she is ok with the docs? or how is it gonna be? Any one please let me know. Thanks in advance.


Please post HSBC linguistic round interview questions with answers, favourite teacher, favourite holiday spot, about colors, about picture discussions, please post these questions if anyone faces HSBC interview its a cruical round, everyone flunks mostly here so if everyone posts these questions it will be helpful to all


Synaptic conduction is mostly orthodromic because


wht kind of r mostly asked in bank po interview and tell me and how the merit list is prepared in such a exam


What is meant by STL?